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몽골과의 전쟁 과정에서 전기에 조성한 대장경판을 잃은 고려는 13세기 중반에 이를 다시 판각하여 81350판에 이르는 정확하며 미려한 ‘팔만대장경‘을 이루어냈다. 이 재조 대장경 조판 사업에 적극적으로 참여했던 鄭晏은 당대 집정자인 최우의 인척으로서 대체로 권력의 핵심에서 떨어져 있으면서 남해에 원찰을 마련하고 불서 간행에 힘썼다. 정안은 6종의 불서를 간행하였는데, 이들은 寺刊板의 『묘법연화경』, 『대방광불화엄경보현행원품』, 『금강반야바라밀경』, 『불설예수시왕생칠경』 4종과 國刊板의 『금강삼매경론』과 『선문염송』이다. 정안은 이들 跋文에서 여러 가지 신앙 경향을 보여준다. 『법화경』 발문에서는 왕실의 장수와 외적의 와해, 그리고 집정자 최우를 위한 기원과 친지들의 극락왕생을 기원하였다. 『예수시왕생칠경』의 발문에서는 돌아간 부모와 친척을 비롯한 중생 모두가 불국토에 왕생하기를 빌었고, 『금강경』에서도 여러 은혜를 베푼 이들과 삼계의 중생들이 불국토에 노닐 것을 빌었다. 『禪門拈誦』에서는 조정이 안정되고 집정자 최우가 장수하기를 기원하였다. 한편 『금강삼매경론』에서는 왕실의 안정과 조정의 평안 및 집정자 최우와 불제자들의 장수와 그리고 모든 중생들이 질병의 고통을 받지 않고 청정불국토에 노닐 것을 기원하였다. 특히 주목되는 것은 『화엄경보현행원품』의 誌文이다. 정안은 『화엄경보현행원품』의 본문에 이어 速疾滿普賢陀羅尼와 普賢菩薩滅罪呪와 普賢菩薩擁護受持眞言의 3종 眞言을 수록하고, 『普賢菩薩說證明經』을 간추려 수록하여 보현신앙을 현세구제적 신앙과 왕생 신앙으로 수용하였다. 더욱 주목되는 것은 보현신앙의 두 사례로서 수선사의 승려와 강화 정혜사의 선승이 보현행원품을 지성으로 독송하여 정토에 왕생했다는 것이다. 이는 정안이 보현신앙의 중심을 왕생에 두고 그 실천을 위해 진언과 교학적 해석 그리고 신앙 사례를 두루 동원하여 『화엄경보현행원품』을 간행했음을 의미한다. 정안은 이를 위해 천태계열의 정토신앙 문적을 모은 신서적 『樂邦文類』를 인용하기도 하였다. 정안이 이 책을 간행한 시기에 혜심은 수선사에서 간화선을 강조했는데, 정안의 『법화경』이나 『금강경』을 비롯한 불서 간행은 혜심의 경향과 상통하는 면이 있고, 『화엄경보현행원품』 또한 혜심의 경향과도 통한다. 백련사의 요세는 보현도량을 개설하고 법화삼매 신앙을 주도하여 『법화경』에 바탕을 둔 참회신앙으로 정토 왕생을 지향하였다. 정안이 강조한 보현행원 신앙은 『화엄경』에 바탕을 둔 정토 지향의 신앙으로서, 수선사 선승의 보현행원품 독송에 따른 정토 사례도 수록하였다. 이러한 정안의 신앙 경향은 14세기 체원의 신앙에도 일부 계승되었으며, 특히 14세기 이후 성행한 사경이나 불화 조성의 의도가 전체적으로 정토 왕생 위주로서 정안의 지향과 일치한다. 정안의 불서 간행과 신앙 활동은 고려 후기사회에서 적극적인 불교 활동과 공덕신앙을 실천하던 居士불교의 선도적 유형을 보여준 것이었다.

The Goryeo dynasty lost numerous Tripitaka in the war with Mongolians. At that time, The Goryeo government remade the Tripitaka which consists of 81,350 printing woodblocks. They were the most accurate and elegant printing woodblocks of Tripitaka in traditional Asia. Jeong An, a relative of the administrator, retired to the country and participated in making the Tripitaka. He published six Buddhist scriptures privately. These were: Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra, Bohyeon haengwonpum, Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra, Bulseol Yesusiwangsaengchilgyeong, Geumgang sammaegyeong lon, Seonmum yeomsong. The former 4 books were published in Haein sa editions, the latter 2 books were published as national editions. Jeong An showed various trends of belief. In the postscript of Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra, he prayed for the King's long life, prayed for administrator Choe U, and that all people could be reborn in the Pure Land. In the postscript of Bulseol Yesusiwangsaengchilgyeong, he prayed for rebirth in the Pure Land for his parents and all people. In the postscript of Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra, he also prayed for rebirth of all people who bestowed a favor and all people in three dhātus. In the postscript of Seonmum yeomsong, he prayed for the stability of the government and the long life of administrator Choe U. In the postscript of Geumgang sammaegyeong lon, he prayed for the stability of royal families, the peace of the government, the long life of administrator Choe U, and to add to these, he prayed for no suffering from diseases and rebirth in the Pure Land for all people. Notably the postscript of Bohyeon haengwonpum stands out. Jeong An combined the text of Bohyeon haengwonpum, three dharanis, and some parts of Bohyeon haengwonpum. He thought of the belief of Samantabhadra as the belief of accomplishing people's desires and rebirth in the Pure Land. A more notable point is the two cases of belief of Samantabhadra, in which two seon monks read the Bohyeon haengwonpum sincerely and get reborn in the Pure Land. This means that Jeong An thought the main goal of belief in Samantabhadra was the rebirth in the Pure land, and he published this book with dharanis and cases of belief to practice them. He cited Lebang Wenlei, which was published lately. At that time Hyesim lead Ganhwaseon at Suseonsa. The publication of Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra, and Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra by Jeong An was concerned with Hyesim's trends, and the same was true about the Bohyeon haengwonpum. Yose opened Bohyeon doryang at Baekryeonsa and lead the samadhi of beophwa, he wished rebirth in the Pure Land with repentance, which is based on Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra. Jeong An emphasized the belief of Samantabhadra that tried for rebirth in the Pure Land which is based on Avatamsaka sutra. This trend of Jeong An's belief succeeded to Chewon in 14th century. Especially in many fashionable scroll sutras and Buddhist paintings in 14th century, the goal was to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land. And their trend is accord with Jeong An's. This shows that the belief of Jeong An was a model of Buddhist belief in late Goryeo.

The Goryeo dynasty lost numerous Tripitaka in the war with Mongolians. At that time, The Goryeo government remade the Tripitaka which consists of 81,350 printing woodblocks. They were the most accurate and elegant printing woodblocks of Tripitaka in traditional Asia. Jeong An, a relative of the administrator, retired to the country and participated in making the Tripitaka. He published six Buddhist scriptures privately. These were: Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra, Bohyeon haengwonpum, Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra, Bulseol Yesusiwangsaengchilgyeong, Geumgang sammaegyeong lon, Seonmum yeomsong. The former 4 books were published in Haein sa editions, the latter 2 books were published as national editions. Jeong An showed various trends of belief. In the postscript of Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra, he prayed for the King's long life, prayed for administrator Choe U, and that all people could be reborn in the Pure Land. In the postscript of Bulseol Yesusiwangsaengchilgyeong, he prayed for rebirth in the Pure Land for his parents and all people. In the postscript of Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra, he also prayed for rebirth of all people who bestowed a favor and all people in three dhātus. In the postscript of Seonmum yeomsong, he prayed for the stability of the government and the long life of administrator Choe U. In the postscript of Geumgang sammaegyeong lon, he prayed for the stability of royal families, the peace of the government, the long life of administrator Choe U, and to add to these, he prayed for no suffering from diseases and rebirth in the Pure Land for all people. Notably the postscript of Bohyeon haengwonpum stands out. Jeong An combined the text of Bohyeon haengwonpum, three dharanis, and some parts of Bohyeon haengwonpum. He thought of the belief of Samantabhadra as the belief of accomplishing people's desires and rebirth in the Pure Land. A more notable point is the two cases of belief of Samantabhadra, in which two seon monks read the Bohyeon haengwonpum sincerely and get reborn in the Pure Land. This means that Jeong An thought the main goal of belief in Samantabhadra was the rebirth in the Pure land, and he published this book with dharanis and cases of belief to practice them. He cited Lebang Wenlei, which was published lately. At that time Hyesim lead Ganhwaseon at Suseonsa. The publication of Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra, and Vajracchedikā prajñāpāramitā sūtra by Jeong An was concerned with Hyesim's trends, and the same was true about the Bohyeon haengwonpum. Yose opened Bohyeon doryang at Baekryeonsa and lead the samadhi of beophwa, he wished rebirth in the Pure Land with repentance, which is based on Saddharmapuṇḍarīka sūtra. Jeong An emphasized the belief of Samantabhadra that tried for rebirth in the Pure Land which is based on Avatamsaka sutra. This trend of Jeong An's belief succeeded to Chewon in 14th century. Especially in many fashionable scroll sutras and Buddhist paintings in 14th century, the goal was to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land. And their trend is accord with Jeong An's. This shows that the belief of Jeong An was a model of Buddhist belief in late Goryeo.