초록 열기/닫기 버튼

We investigate how Korean pre-service English teachers differ in their use of can and may from native English instructors in terms of frequency and semantic meaning. We collected Korean speech data from microteachings by 11 university students in Seoul, Korea and compared this to data from the Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English (MICASE). We find that can is relatively overused by Korean participants, while could, may, and might are underused. This indicates that the Korean participants understood the overused modal auxiliary verb, can, enough to deliver their meaning clearly. However, they may benefit from learning additional specified functions of can. We also infer that the Korean participants lack knowledge of the typical functions of those underused three modal auxiliary verbs. We suggest that underused modal auxiliary verbs need to be presented in terms of their typical uses by native English instructors. We also present possible further contributions which can build on this research.