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영화 한편이 2014년 연말과 2015년 엔터테인먼트장을 흔들었다. <더 인터뷰>는 할리우드에서 만든 가공의 이야기이지만 허구의 픽션은 실제 논란과 사이버전을 오가며 정치커뮤니케이션을 자행했다. 영화 속 스토리는 현실상의 영화제작과 연출된 상황, 그리고 대중심리의 호기심을 작동케하여 상당한 성공과 흥행을 일구어냈다. 특히 호기심에는 폐쇄적인 북한의 인터넷상의 닫힌 구조를 녹여내는 용융물들이 다소 사용되었는데 진짜뉴스의 대상으로서의 지도자 김정은, 그가 가진 가상이미지, 냉전시대로부터 이어진 프로파간다식 공산주의 홍보방법과 선전선동, 해킹 등이 사용되었다. 특히 엔터테인먼트의 여러 요소인 섹스와 자본주의는 헐리우드의 전통적 이야기구조와 허구스토리텔링에 의거했다. 이들의 불안한 동거와 공통적 접점이 만들어낸 플롯의 동일화를 설명하고자 한다.

2014 last Month-2015 start January in years, have reached surpassing cinema sales, <The Interview>. <The Interview>by Sony Movie Entertainment, fired the first shot in this sarcastic boom and had great success worldwide. This is a fictitious story. Eventually, someone in Tinseltown saw the commercial possibilities. The U.S.A military intelligence unit has set up a counter-cyber terrorism investigative team to check general computer viruses and hacking threats. As the colombia's Movie marketting agency announced the termination of its threatened us with a suggestion with North-korea, however, the general public seems empathetic toward American movie. The result is a surreal, dark comedy about nuclear annihilation. The North reportedly runs a cyber warfare unit with about 3,000 elite hackers who can break into computer networks for information and spread computer viruses. stand on its head Books, movies, or plays that are seen as satires on politics are not allowed in countries such as North Korea. <the Interview> was high pressure melt ejection. It is hard to defend oneself against criticism from all sides. With this increased isolation, Kim Jong-un has been undoubtedly driven to take desperate measures in order to demonstrate his strength and his state's strength to the international community and to his own desperate people. however <the Interview> will open their isolated society, carry out and reform into free market economy and respect their people's human rights.