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The purpose of this study is to examine the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang(도화녀 비형랑)> through Dohyoung(도형)'s epic of self. I was took a close look at the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang>. Because, responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang> is the key to searching for Dohyoung's epic of self. So, in the first place, I arranged the process of literary therapy with Dohyoung. Then, in the second place, I analysis the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang>. Only, in the final place, I expected that this discussion very informative for the process of literary therapy with Dohyoung. In conclusion, I would like to state the following two point. First, this discussion mentioned above developed the study that searching for the elementary student's epic of self. Second, this discussion verified the epic of literary work has a connection with the epic of self.

The purpose of this study is to examine the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang(도화녀 비형랑)> through Dohyoung(도형)'s epic of self. I was took a close look at the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang>. Because, responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang> is the key to searching for Dohyoung's epic of self. So, in the first place, I arranged the process of literary therapy with Dohyoung. Then, in the second place, I analysis the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu Bihonglang>. Only, in the final place, I expected that this discussion very informative for the process of literary therapy with Dohyoung. In conclusion, I would like to state the following two point. First, this discussion mentioned above developed the study that searching for the elementary student's epic of self. Second, this discussion verified the epic of literary work has a connection with the epic of self.

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key words : literary therapy, the epic of literary work, the epic of self, the responsive feeling of the <Dowhanyu and Bihonglang>