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이광수의 문학이란 何오 이래 이 땅의 ‘문학’ 개념은 근대적인 의미로 바뀌어서 이해되고 있다. 그렇지만, 이육사는 전통적인 관점에서 문학을 파악하였다. 일본문단의 영향으로부터 자유로울 수 없었던 다른 시인작가들과는 달리, 이육사의 산문에 중국문학의 변화 양상이 짙게 나타나는 것은 그 때문이다. 이육사가 민족주의자이면서 동시에 공산주의자일 수 있었던 근거도 전통적인 문학관 위에서 가능해졌다. 예컨대 여러 산문에서는 ‘화이불류’(和而不流)의 의식이 드러나며, 시 한 개의 별을 노래하자에서는 ‘화이부동’(和而不同)의 지향을 읽을 수 있다.이육사의 산문에는 서로 충돌하는 진술들이 나타난다. 몸이 좋지 않아서 요양여행을 떠났다는 기록이 몇 번에 걸쳐 나오는가 하면, 다른 글에는 자신의 건강을 자랑하는 내용이 있어서 이를 부정하는 양상이다. 실제 그는 국내와 국외를 가리지 않고 끊임없이 움직이기도 했다. 이런 모순을 이해하기 위해서는 이육사의 전기적 사실을 복원해야만 한다. 문학을 수신(修身)의 방편으로 삼았던 측면이 있기에 이는 응당 필요한 작업일 수밖에 없다. 이육사는 항일무장 투쟁단체인 대동청년단의 인물들과 관계를 맺고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 연관되는 단체들 또한 그러하다. 국내에서 이들이 담당했던 역할은 독립운동 자금의 모금과 전달, 정보의 제공이었다. 따라서 요양여행이란 이러한 활동을 위한 핑계로 볼 수 있다. 핑계가 필요한 자리에서 산문의 모순은 발생하고, 이육사는 여기에 대해 침묵하겠다고 선언하였다. ‘이광수의 문학론’으로는 이러한 침묵을 해명할 수 없다.

Since the work of Lee, Kwang-Soo, “Literature is Ha(何)-oh”, the concept of ‘literature’ in Korean society has been understood as that of the modern meaning. However, Lee, Yuk-Sa has interpreted the concept, especially in the respect of that of traditional not in modern. Because of that, being different with other poets and writers who could not be independent of the Japanese literature’s influences, transformational trends of Chinese literature have appeared evidently in his proses. Lee's positions as nationalist as well as communist could be understood by the traditional litera교 view. For instance, in many proses of him, the mentality of Hwa-Yi-Bul-Ryu(和而不流: accord but never be swept) appears, and his poet, “Let’s sing one star” shows that of Hwa-Yi-Bu-Dong (和而不同 : accord but never be identical). Lots of conflicting statements appear in Lee’s proses. In some documents, he went for a trip to recuperate himself, but in others, he was proud of his healthiness. Indeed, he has moved place to place continuously. In order to understand this contradiction, we should recover his biographical facts. Because Lee thought literature as a tool for his moral-training, this process should be a necessary step for understanding his literary view. Lee has linked with some activists who belonged to anti-Japanese empire armed group, Great East Youths’ Group, during the time. Main activities of the group have been raising and conveying funds for liberation movements and proposing them of some information. Therefore, his trip could be a good pretense for these activities. Even if contradictions of proses are emerging at the point where pretenses would be needed, Lee declared that he would keep silent for this matter. We have not able to explain this silence through ‘literary theory of Lee, Kwang-Soo’.

Since the work of Lee, Kwang-Soo, “Literature is Ha(何)-oh”, the concept of ‘literature’ in Korean society has been understood as that of the modern meaning. However, Lee, Yuk-Sa has interpreted the concept, especially in the respect of that of traditional not in modern. Because of that, being different with other poets and writers who could not be independent of the Japanese literature’s influences, transformational trends of Chinese literature have appeared evidently in his proses. Lee's positions as nationalist as well as communist could be understood by the traditional litera교 view. For instance, in many proses of him, the mentality of Hwa-Yi-Bul-Ryu(和而不流: accord but never be swept) appears, and his poet, “Let’s sing one star” shows that of Hwa-Yi-Bu-Dong (和而不同 : accord but never be identical). Lots of conflicting statements appear in Lee’s proses. In some documents, he went for a trip to recuperate himself, but in others, he was proud of his healthiness. Indeed, he has moved place to place continuously. In order to understand this contradiction, we should recover his biographical facts. Because Lee thought literature as a tool for his moral-training, this process should be a necessary step for understanding his literary view. Lee has linked with some activists who belonged to anti-Japanese empire armed group, Great East Youths’ Group, during the time. Main activities of the group have been raising and conveying funds for liberation movements and proposing them of some information. Therefore, his trip could be a good pretense for these activities. Even if contradictions of proses are emerging at the point where pretenses would be needed, Lee declared that he would keep silent for this matter. We have not able to explain this silence through ‘literary theory of Lee, Kwang-Soo’.