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본 글에서는20세기에 이루어진 한국문화와 복음의 관계성에 대한 모델, 윤성범의 파종모델, 박봉배의 발효모델, 박종천의 접목모델을 비판적으로 고찰하면서21세기 다문화 한국사회에 적합한 새로운 모델의 방향을 모색하여 보려고 한다. 그러나 본 글에서는 윤성범,박봉배, 박종천의 토착화 신학을 전체적으로 고찰하기보다는 이들이 제시하는 복음과 문화의 모델에만 집중하려고 한다.

The first purpose of this article is to consider and criticize the models of Gospel and Korean culture in Korean indigenous theology,and the second purpose is to seek a new model in the situation of 21century. The first part of this article will examine three models, sowing models, fermentative model, and grafting model. The sowing model was developed by Sungbum Yoon, and grounded the parable of seed and soil. And this model focuses on the soil, Korean culture before the contact between Gospel and Korean culture. It tries to make a good soil (Korean culture) because seed, Gospel can be changed by soil, Korean culture. The model of fermentation focuses on the contacting point between Gospel and Korean culture, and transformative aspect by Gospel. This model seeks to change the negative aspect of Korean culture by Gospel. However, the grafting model suggests that Korean culture should be reconsidered before meeting with Gospel because Korean Minjung were suffered in the Korean history. Of course, Gospel should be reconsidered because there is the imperial aspect in Western Christianity, which delivered Gospel to Korea. Therefore, the grafting model presupposes ‘double cutting.’As a result, the three models do not embrace Korean aspect after the contact between Gospel and Korean culture. In the 21st century, there are many young Christians in Korea who were born, and grown in Christian culture. They feel comfortable in Christian concept and culture rather than Korean traditional concept and culture. Even tough the first generation of Korean indigenous theology like Yoon Sungbum tried to explain Christian concept through Korean concept, young Christians tries to Korean traditional concept through Christian concept. This means that Korean theology should understand the relationship between Gospel and Korean culture from the non-dualist perspective rather than monistic or dualistic. Therefore, this article suggests that non-dualistic model in the relationship between Gospel and Korean culture in situation of 21st.