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본고는 유대교의 신앙과 삶을 결정짓는 해석학적 원리로 볼 수 있는 할라카와 아가다가 지니는 각개의 특징과 이들 사이의 관계를 세랍비 학자들의 연구에 기초하여 먼저 고찰할 것이다. 우리는 이를 통해서 유대교 신학의 형성 동력을 확인하게 될 것이며, 동시에 유대교의해석학적 틀이 그리스도교의 자기 이해를 위해서도 신학적으로 정당히수렴될 수 있으며, 바로 그 자리에서 유대교와 그리스도교가 서로 만날수 있는 가능성에 대해서 논하고자 한다.

One of the Christian theological focuses has been given on the religious dialogue with Asian religions likewise Buddhism,Confucianism, Taoism and Shamanism up to date. It was a natural consequences when Korean churches tried to make responsible encounter with neighbor religions. In recent times Korean churches are not simply regarded as reviving Christian communities, but leading group for global mission field. In this situation we face not only Asian religions but also Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and so on. This essay is concerned about Judaism in two senses: one is for knowing Judaism itself and the other for finding common ground of the dialogue between Judaism and Christianity. Our primary concern is to make sense the hermeneutical main tradition of Judaism, namely, Halachah and Aggadah. We try to understand them according to the interpretations of Rabbinic Jewish scholars, Hayyim Nahman Bialik, Samuel Umen, and Joseph Heinemann. Nahman as a poet describes them picturesquely. For him Halachah is dark, narrow, heavy, stable, strong, and direct; conversely,A g g a d a h is bright, open, light, movable, smooth, and flexible. Judaism became lively when they came together harmoniously. Samuel Umen shows that Aggadah has been related with Jewish sufferings in their history. When they were afflicted, Aggadah inspired them to understand the sufferings. Heinemann explains that Halachah is like bread of Judaism, and Aggadah is like wine. Bread gives power and wine makes singing. When Halachah is more intellectual, Aggadah is more spiritual in Jewish hermeneutics. Finally, this essay deals with three Jewish-Christian encounters in dialogue: Mosaic Halachah and Jesus Aggadah, Issac Akedah and Jesus Akedah, and Halachic aspects of “Love one another” in Judaism and Christianity. Love is not only the essential subject of Halachic and Aggadic interpretation of Judaism but also of Christianity. When Korean churches understand Jewish Halachic and Aggadic tradition of interpretation, our Christian identity could be newly rediscovered and productive dialogue with Jewish people will be created.