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국민임대주택 및 공공임대주택은 저소득층의 주거안정을 위하여 공급되며, 시장실패를 보완하고 자원배분의 효율성을 높이며 소득재분배의 기능도 담당하고 있다. 본 연구는 일반아파트와 공공아파트로서 주공아파트를 인식한 뒤 양자의 임대료를 Hedonic 모형으로 분석하여 각각의 결정요인을 파악하고 비교분석하였다. 분석결과, 주공아파트의 임대료는 일반아파트의 임대료보다 26.6% 낮고, 소형 규모에서는 일반아파트와 주공아파트 간의 임대료 격차가 적으나, 면적규모가 커질수록 격차가 확대되는 것으로 추정되었다. 또한 주공아파트의 거주자는 주거서비스의 비용에 보다 관심을 두는 반면, 일반아파트의 거주자는 편리성을 보다 중요시하는 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 주공아파트의 소비자가 상대적으로 소득이 낮기 때문에 발생하는 현상으로 파악된다. 그리고 '45평형 이상 세대수 40% 이상인 단지 여부', '노후년수 20년경과 여부' 변수와 지하철역 입지효과의 범위를 밝혀내었다는 데에 의의가 있다고 하겠다. 본 연구를 통하여 시사점으로는, 저소득층의 주거안정에 기여하고 국민의 주거수준을 향상시키기 위하여 공공임대아파트의 공급을 더욱 늘려야 할 것이며, 공급에 있어서는 주거서비스로서의 기본적인 요인을 우선시하고, 추가적으로 '삶의 질'을 향상시킬 수 있는 주거특성에 대한 배려가 필요하다고 할 것이다.

The public rental housing, including the National Rental Housing, is provided in order to improve housing welfare of low-income classes, to complement market failure, to improve the efficiency in the market and also to contribute on Income redistribution. This study was to analyze each rent of both of apartments provided by private sector(hereafter 'PSA'), which was recognized as those provided by Korea National Housing Corporation (hereafter 'KNHCA'), using Hedonic price model, and to compare the two results. It has been estimated that rents of KNHCA were 26.6% lower than those of PSA, and in small volume, while the difference between rents of KNHCA and PSA was small but increasing when the volume was getting larger. It implied that the consumer of PSA focuses on convenience of housing service more, while the consumer of KNHCA focusing on cost more. It was resulted from the difference between incomes of consumers of KNHCA and PSA. It is revealed that a dummy variable, whether an apartment is a component of housing complex which has more than 40% of more than 148.8 sqaure-meter apartment(45 pyung), another dummy variable, where an apartment is older than 20 years, were significant to have an influence on apartment rents, and it is also revealed how far the effect of location of subway station goes. According to the results, it is recommended that the provision of public rental apartment be extended more for improving housing welfare of low-income classes. For that, it would be better to put the cardinal factors such as the number of rooms, cost of living, before another attributes of housing service which lead to improve the level of living.

The public rental housing, including the National Rental Housing, is provided in order to improve housing welfare of low-income classes, to complement market failure, to improve the efficiency in the market and also to contribute on Income redistribution. This study was to analyze each rent of both of apartments provided by private sector(hereafter 'PSA'), which was recognized as those provided by Korea National Housing Corporation (hereafter 'KNHCA'), using Hedonic price model, and to compare the two results. It has been estimated that rents of KNHCA were 26.6% lower than those of PSA, and in small volume, while the difference between rents of KNHCA and PSA was small but increasing when the volume was getting larger. It implied that the consumer of PSA focuses on convenience of housing service more, while the consumer of KNHCA focusing on cost more. It was resulted from the difference between incomes of consumers of KNHCA and PSA. It is revealed that a dummy variable, whether an apartment is a component of housing complex which has more than 40% of more than 148.8 sqaure-meter apartment(45 pyung), another dummy variable, where an apartment is older than 20 years, were significant to have an influence on apartment rents, and it is also revealed how far the effect of location of subway station goes. According to the results, it is recommended that the provision of public rental apartment be extended more for improving housing welfare of low-income classes. For that, it would be better to put the cardinal factors such as the number of rooms, cost of living, before another attributes of housing service which lead to improve the level of living.