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In 2008, the global economic crisis that came from the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers had a big impact all over the world and in Korea's overall economy. The depression of the economy brought about a more distinctive income polarization and also changed customer's purchasing patterns. The collapse of the world's largest investment bank had a domino effect in trade across countries, industries, companies, and all the way down to the consumer. Korea, whose economy is intricately connected with the U.S. economy, also saw sharp drops in stock prices as a result of dropping consumer confidence in the United States. The effects escaped the confines of the financial sector to consumer's everyday lives. Nowadays, many evaluation institutes such as Moodys' and S&P state that the economy has somewhat recovered. However, there still remain dangerous instabilities caused by the European and Chinese economies. In this paper, we investigate how customer's purchasing patterns are changed by business fluctuations resulting from the financial stresses caused in part from the Lehman bankruptcy. To do this, we use the MCR (Media & Customer Research) dataset which is developed by Kobaco (Korea Broadcast Advertising Corporation) each year and fit the data to a factor analysis which is one of the well established multivariate statistical methods. A questionnaire that determines purchasing behaviors is condensed into two factors: frugal buying and impulse buying. I predict that purchasing patterns will have been affected by a decline in the economy, especially in 2008, which was considered to have suffered considerably after some high profile bankruptcies, most notably Lehman Brothers.