초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article is to study the theory of colonial policy suggested by Minoru Togo, who worked for 18 years as the officer of the Government-General of Taiwan, on the basis of his intellectual and official experiences. His theory of colonial policy includes two points; one is the theory of agricultural colonization which is derived from the colonial studies in Sapporo Agricultural College and the other is ‘anti-assimilationism’. Initially the theory of agricultural colonization was suggested as the solution of overpopulation in Japan and the means to realize overseas expansion. The theory has gradually been settled as the policy to prepare for ‘racial self-awareness’ of the colonial people. More importantly, the evasion of assimilation policy was taken into consideration as preparation for racial self-awareness of the colonial people. He thought assimilation policy had the possibility of the opposite effect of stimulating the colonial people to have racial self-awareness. His ‘anti-assimilationism’ has been reinforced by theoretical basis of ethnopsychology. Togo expresses his anti-assimilationism with the catch-phrase such as “disparity, that is, equality”. It must be noticed that anti-assimilationism of Togo has the premise of unevenness that the colony is inferior to the mother country.