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This study discusses Korean Wave as educational material for the Korean culture classroom designed for Spanish-spaking students rather than to be used for solely political and economic purposes or considered as a simple trend. Todays concept of culture means more than human intellectual activities among different cultures in the globalized era. Spanish-speakers can feel more geographical, psychological and cultural distance with Korea than students of other cultures. In this situation, the Korean Wave attracts the Spanish-speaking learners attention. To promote Korean Studies, it is necessary to find the possibility to lead those interests into academic concerns. To do this, Latin America is still confined to a particular contents and groups and liking Korean Wave does not necessarily mean liking Korea. Therefore, the use of Korean Wave in the classroom should avoid limiting the range of Korean Wave trends to merely popular contents, but rather broaden its range to show how history and tradition make subtle but important inputs in the contemporary culture expressed in Korean Wave productions. Although Korean Wave should not be treated as if it were Korean Studies or an object in itself that can guarantee students attraction to the course, it can provide benefits in Korean culture courses if the appropriate materiales are developed.