초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of current research is to analyze suffix ‘-jeok’ on grounds of language corpora, to identify its peculiar properties and to conduct its contrastive analysis based on Chinese languages. Another purpose of this research regards the issue of possibility of application of the analysis data as differentiated teaching materials for Korean language learners using Chinese characters. The subject of this study refers to derivatives formed by annexing ‘-jeok’suffix. The analysis of the suffix itself will be conducted by means of language corpora database titled as <three million corpora utilized by the research of word frequency used in present-day korean language -2>. 500high frequency derivatives will be extracted as a result of the language corpora data processing. Generated materials will draw up parallel Chinese-Korean corpora which will serve as the basis for contrastive analysis of morphological, syntactic and semantic characteristics of derivatives with ‘-jeok’ suffix. In conclusion, suggestions, regarding the application of the results of current analysis of ‘-jeok’ suffix on grounds of parallel Korean-Chinese language corpora in the field of Korean language teaching for language learners using Chinese characters and Korean language learners not using Chinese characters will be developed. The results of current research on Korean suffix ‘-jeok’ will become a solid support as for Korean language learners using Chinese language as a mother tongue and Korean language instructors as well.