초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Formulaic expression-the fixed expressions-are recognized as having important roles in second language learning and teaching, especially for language learners with academic purposes. Learning to use more frequent fixed expressions can improve writing competence in a specialized field of study. The Korean language learner participants were asked to write two types of compositions: one academic paper, and one personal essay. The essays were submitted in class as part of an in-class assignment, and the academic reports were assigned as take-home papers. Results showed that advanced Korean learners who forcibly used fixed expressions in their papers revealed unpredicted problems in making correct sentences in both types of compositions. Therefore, the study focused on the characteristics of their writing skills by comparing the two types of compositions between those that used or did not use formulaic expressions in their tasks. While participants with a very high quality in their academic writing showed adapting skills of those expressions, those who were not as proficient made many errors in their sentences. Learners who produced a low quality of writing had a difficult time matching subject-verb agreement. In sum, it is believed that the formulaic expressions can help learners that have a certain level of language proficiency and is less useful for those who are not as proficient. Therefore it is crucial to provide a list of formulaic expressions that is more suited to a learners’ language proficiency and carefully consider the meaning and function behind each expression. Since formulaic expressions are useful for improving academic writing, an academic formulaic list would be helpful if selections of lists are accomplishe.