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최근 아동 및 부녀자들을 대상으로 한 성폭력 사건이 연이어 발생하면서 국민과 부녀자들의불안감이 날로 커지고 있다. 그 일례로 최근 서울 중곡동에서 발생한 부녀자 살해사건의 경우전자발찌를 착용한 성폭력 전력자에 의해 자행되는 등 우범자 관리가 제대로 되지 않아 언론에서는 경찰의 치안력 부재까지 문제 삼아 경찰 불신이 정부의 책임으로까지 광범위하게 확산되고 있는 실정이다. 성범죄를 비롯하여 많은 범죄들이 범죄전력이 있는 우범자들에 의해서 저지르고 있는 것이 현실이다. 따라서 효과적인 범죄대책을 위해서 범죄의 경험이 있는 우범자를효과적으로 관리하는 것이 중요함에도 현실적으로 그 관리가 제대로 이루어지지 못하고 있다. 이에 이 연구에서는 이러한 연구의 필요성에 의해 현재 성폭력 등과 관련하여 경찰의 우범자 관리의 실태와 문제점, 개선방안을 살펴보고자 한다. 구체적으로 우범자관리에 관련된 경찰청 예규 「우범자 첩보수집 등에 관한 규칙」, 법무부에서 시행중인 전자감지제도(전자발찌),신상공개 제도, 여성가족부에서 시행하고 있는 취업제한 제도 등의 운영 실태와 문제점을 살펴봄에 있어서 우리나라 우범자들의 범죄유형별 재범률을 분석하고, 정부 부처별 우범자 관리 실태와 경찰의 성범죄 전력자 관리 근거, 법적 미비점으로 인한 문제점을 도출하고, 개선방안으로 경찰관들이 인권의식 강화 및 법적 근거마련을 통한 효율적인 성폭력 우범자의 관리를 통한 사회적 안정을 모색하였다.

Recently, many sexual assault targeting women and children are occurring at a frequent rate, causing increased unrest in the population. For example, the murder case of a woman in Jung Gok Dong, Seoul, committed by a rapist wearing an ankle monitor, showing that criminals are not being properly taken care of, leading to the media blaming the absence of police force, which also leads to the government’s lack of abilities in this matter. The reality is that many crimes, including sexual assault, are committed by recidivists. Therefore, despite the importance of the effective regulation of recidivists, it is not done properly. Due to the need of such study, this study will look through the current status of police regulation regarding sexual assault, the problems generated by it, and possible methods of improvement. Being able to specifically look into the current status and problems of the laws related to criminal regulation, “intelligence gathering against criminals”, the ankle monitors used by the law department, the public identification policy, and the employment restriction policy, which leads to analyzing the recidivism of Korean criminals, and the regulation of sexual criminals by the police,as well as exposing the problems generated by the legal deficiencies which will improve the human right awareness of police officers through legal evidence, thus creating an effective system of regulation of sexual criminals to create social stability.

Recently, many sexual assault targeting women and children are occurring at a frequent rate, causing increased unrest in the population. For example, the murder case of a woman in Jung Gok Dong, Seoul, committed by a rapist wearing an ankle monitor, showing that criminals are not being properly taken care of, leading to the media blaming the absence of police force, which also leads to the government’s lack of abilities in this matter. The reality is that many crimes, including sexual assault, are committed by recidivists. Therefore, despite the importance of the effective regulation of recidivists, it is not done properly. Due to the need of such study, this study will look through the current status of police regulation regarding sexual assault, the problems generated by it, and possible methods of improvement. Being able to specifically look into the current status and problems of the laws related to criminal regulation, “intelligence gathering against criminals”, the ankle monitors used by the law department, the public identification policy, and the employment restriction policy, which leads to analyzing the recidivism of Korean criminals, and the regulation of sexual criminals by the police,as well as exposing the problems generated by the legal deficiencies which will improve the human right awareness of police officers through legal evidence, thus creating an effective system of regulation of sexual criminals to create social stability.