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안서우의 <유원십이곡>은 13수로 이루어진 육가계 연시조 가운데 한 작품이다. 이는 퇴계의 <도산십이곡>을 정점으로 하는 육가계 연시조를 18세기로 계승한다는 점에서 일차적인 의미를 지닌다. 일반적으로 육가계 연시조는 영남사림을 중심으로 발전되며 獨善其身을 표방하고 修己를 지향한다. 그러나 <유원십이곡>은 끊임없이 타인을 향한 관심을 보임으로써 변별된다. 또한 여타의 작품들이 강호의 삶을 긍정하며 강호에서의 삶을 구가하는 것으로 마무리 짓는 것과는 달리 <유원십이곡>은 강호에 대한 불만으로 작품을 끝맺음으로써 강호인식에도 차이를 보이는 한편, 연시조로서의 의미 또한 약화된 느낌을 주고 있다. 작자의 문집이 전하지 않아 작자에 대한 구체적인 면모도 알 수 없고, 작품 또한 일반적인 육가계 연시조와 다른 모습을 보이고 있어서 <유원십이곡>의 연구는 그리 활발한 편이 아니다. 본고는 <유원십이곡>의 작품론으로, 작품에 나타난 강호인식과 함께 연시조로서의 의미를 재조명하고자 한다. 작품을 고찰함에 있어서는 먼저 13수의 시조에 대한 분석을 하고 이를 토대로 작품에 나타난 강호인식과 연작성에 대하여 논의하였다. 그 결과 <유원십이곡>은 위장된 강호의 즐거움을 노래고 있으며 13수의 연결은 그러한 작자의 강호인식을 표현하기에 유효적절한 것이라는 결론에 도달하였다. <유원십이곡>은 육가계 연시조에 포함되면서도 내용에서는 治人을 지향함으로써 기호사림과의 관계를 생각할 수 있다. 그의 생활근거지와 관직생활 등을 고려할 때 영남과 기호사림에게 모두 영향을 받았을 가능성은 다분하다. 이와 함께 개인적인 사유체계, 16세기와는 다른 18세기의 사고 질서 등의 고른 영향으로 탄생된 것이 <유원십이곡>이라 하겠다.
An, Seo-woo's <Yuwonsibigok(유원십이곡)> is consisted of 13works, it makes in the during 18th century. This work is one among Yukgagye-Yeonsijo (육가계 연시조). Yukgagye-Yeonsijo is <Dosansibigok(도산십이곡> with reached to a top. Yukgagye-Yeonsijo was aimed Sugi(修己), and expressed Dokseongisin(獨善其身). But <Yuwonsibigok> was continued reveals an interest in the person. Also, this work shows that in life of Gangho(강호) dissatisfaction with charge it is visible a difference in the recognition of Gangho. And as a Yeonsijo(연시조) meaning was weakened. Currently the collection of works of the writer is not electrolysis support. It is like that, the writer and the work accurate and there is not a possibility of knowing. And so, the work with the general Yukgagye-Yeonsijo to be different the research is not actively. This paper is a work analysis of <Yuwonsibigok>. That is, investigates on recognition of Gangho and re-illumination about possibility of Yeonsijo of this work in this paper. From this dissertation is the first, it analyzed Sijo of 13 works. After words, this with base on it examined closely the recognition of Gangho appeared in the <Yuwonsibigok>. At last, investigated with the relationship of the recognition of Gangho and the propensity of Yeonjak. The result , <Yuwonsibigok> is suitable it expressed writer's thought, <Yuwonsibigok> aims to Sugi, and included in the Yukgagye-Yeonsijo of Youngnam-sarim(영남사림). But It aims to Chiin(治人) actually, with Giho-sarim(기호사림) is relationship. An, Seo-woo's viviparity was the Giho area, and official bureaucracy life it lived all from the Giho and the Youngnam area. Therefore, maybe, the Youngnam & Giho-sarim all will receive an effect. And so, being born from quality of personal situation and 18th century will do as the <Yuwonsibigok>.
An, Seo-woo's <Yuwonsibigok(유원십이곡)> is consisted of 13works, it makes in the during 18th century. This work is one among Yukgagye-Yeonsijo (육가계 연시조). Yukgagye-Yeonsijo is <Dosansibigok(도산십이곡> with reached to a top. Yukgagye-Yeonsijo was aimed Sugi(修己), and expressed Dokseongisin(獨善其身). But <Yuwonsibigok> was continued reveals an interest in the person. Also, this work shows that in life of Gangho(강호) dissatisfaction with charge it is visible a difference in the recognition of Gangho. And as a Yeonsijo(연시조) meaning was weakened. Currently the collection of works of the writer is not electrolysis support. It is like that, the writer and the work accurate and there is not a possibility of knowing. And so, the work with the general Yukgagye-Yeonsijo to be different the research is not actively. This paper is a work analysis of <Yuwonsibigok>. That is, investigates on recognition of Gangho and re-illumination about possibility of Yeonsijo of this work in this paper. From this dissertation is the first, it analyzed Sijo of 13 works. After words, this with base on it examined closely the recognition of Gangho appeared in the <Yuwonsibigok>. At last, investigated with the relationship of the recognition of Gangho and the propensity of Yeonjak. The result , <Yuwonsibigok> is suitable it expressed writer's thought, <Yuwonsibigok> aims to Sugi, and included in the Yukgagye-Yeonsijo of Youngnam-sarim(영남사림). But It aims to Chiin(治人) actually, with Giho-sarim(기호사림) is relationship. An, Seo-woo's viviparity was the Giho area, and official bureaucracy life it lived all from the Giho and the Youngnam area. Therefore, maybe, the Youngnam & Giho-sarim all will receive an effect. And so, being born from quality of personal situation and 18th century will do as the <Yuwonsibigok>.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
An, Seo-woo, <Yuwonsibigok>, Yukgagye-Yeonsijo, Dokseongisin,, Sugi, Chiin, recognition of Gangho, propensity of Yeonjak, Youngnam-sarim, Giho-sarim