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이 논문은 신라 문무왕 해중릉 주변의 민속신앙과 문무대왕문화제의 필요성을 제시한 글이다. 삼국을 통일한 문무왕은 동해의 용이 되어 나라를 지키겠다는 자신의 유언에 따라, 동해 바다에 산골(散骨)된 이후, 그 무덤인 해중릉과 이견대 등은 우리나라의 대표 용왕신앙의 유적지가 되었다. 이로 인해 이곳들은 예로부터 무속행사가 1년 내내 끊어지지 않는 곳이 되었다. 임진왜란 때, 의병들은 승리를 기원하는 용신제(龍神祭)를 이곳에서 지냈고, 경주 부윤도 기우제(祈雨祭)를 지내는 등 많은 무속행사들이 다양하게 펼쳐졌다. 그리고 현대에도 해중릉, 이견대 등에서는 문무대왕 춘추계 향사(享祀), 문무대왕 추모예술제, 동해용왕 대제, 불교계의 방생법회 등등이 거행된다. 이런 행사들은 그 하나하나가 대단한 잠재력을 가진 문화자원이지만, 개별행사에 머물러 있어서 경주를 대표할 문화 자원으로 성장하지 못하고 있다. 이에 필자는 문무왕과 해중릉에 관계되는 모든 행사들을 함께 연구하고 이것을 토대로 문무대왕과 해중릉을 주제로 연결한 ‘문무대왕문화제’를 제안하였다. 생기 잃은 경주의술과떡축제와 신라문화제의 약점을 보완할 작지만 강한 양북면의 지역축제인 ‘문무대왕문화제’의 필요성을 다양하게 제시하고, 아울러 이 행사가 경주의 대표적 문화자원이 될 것이라는 점을 구체적으로 밝혔다.

This paper suggest the necessity of folk religion near the royal tomb in the sea and the necessity of the King Mun-moo culture festival. The King Mun-moo who joined the Korea peninsular in the one, left the will that he will be the patron dragon of East Sea whom he die. His ashes was scattered at East Sea. After that, his tomb and Yi-gyeon-dae became historic site of a dragon king religion. Therefore, occult practice have been held on this site all through the year. Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, loyal troops held Sea god festival which pray victory of war at this sites. Many governors of Gyeong-ju held a ritual for rain at this sites, too. In addition, memorial ceremony, art festival, Buddhist ceremony of the King Mun-moo are held at this sites in these days. Each events have a great cultural potential, however, each events are divided individually so that they can't develop for a culture resources of Gyeong-ju. So I suggest 'The King Mun-moo festival which include all the ceremonies. There are Wine and rice cake festival' and 'Sil-la culture festival' in Gyeong-ju. But they have lost their vitality. 'The King Mun-moo culture festival will complement the weakness of the festivals in Gyeong-ju. I suggest that this festival will be the representative festival of Gyeong-ju.

This paper suggest the necessity of folk religion near the royal tomb in the sea and the necessity of the King Mun-moo culture festival. The King Mun-moo who joined the Korea peninsular in the one, left the will that he will be the patron dragon of East Sea whom he die. His ashes was scattered at East Sea. After that, his tomb and Yi-gyeon-dae became historic site of a dragon king religion. Therefore, occult practice have been held on this site all through the year. Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, loyal troops held Sea god festival which pray victory of war at this sites. Many governors of Gyeong-ju held a ritual for rain at this sites, too. In addition, memorial ceremony, art festival, Buddhist ceremony of the King Mun-moo are held at this sites in these days. Each events have a great cultural potential, however, each events are divided individually so that they can't develop for a culture resources of Gyeong-ju. So I suggest 'The King Mun-moo festival which include all the ceremonies. There are Wine and rice cake festival' and 'Sil-la culture festival' in Gyeong-ju. But they have lost their vitality. 'The King Mun-moo culture festival will complement the weakness of the festivals in Gyeong-ju. I suggest that this festival will be the representative festival of Gyeong-ju.