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우리 헌법은 제6조 제1항에 의하여 조약의 국내법적 지위에 관하여 규정한 다음, 제73조와 제60조 제1항을 통하여 대통령의 조약체결권과 국회의 동의권에 관하여 규정하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 조항은 매우 일반적․포괄적인 내용으로 되어 있어서 대통령(행정부)의 조약체결권과 국회의 동의권 행사와 관련하여 해석상 많은 논란이 야기되고 있을 뿐만 아니라 체계적인 조약체결업무에도 어려움이 초래되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 따라 근래 들어 헌법 조항의 해석을 둘러싼 논란을 해소하고 국회 동의권의 실질적 행사를 보장할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 필요한 경우 헌법조항을 개정하자는 주장과 함께, 조약체결 절차 전반을 체계적․세부적으로 규율하기 위한 법률(조약체결절차법)의 제정 움직임이 나타나고 있다 이러한 배경애서 본고는 헌법 제60조 제1항에서 규정되고 있는 조약의 체결․비준에 대한 국회의 동의권에 관한 논의를 중심으로, 헌법개정 및 조약체결절차법의 제정과 관련하여 검토되어야 할 여러 가지 사항에 관하여 논의하였다. 특히 헌법상 국회의 동의를 요하는 조약의 범위와 동의 시기 및 방법, 그리고 동의의 효력에 관하여 세부적으로 규정함으로써 조약의 성립 및 효력 발생과 관련된 쟁의를 사전에 방지할 수 있도록 하는 과제에 대하여 검토하였다. 나아가서 가능하다면, 현행 헌법 제60조 제1항의 “조약의 체결․비준”을 “조약의 체결”로 개정함으로써 ‘체결․비준’의 해석을 둘러싼 문제의 소지를 제거하고, 헌법적 사항을 포함하는 조약의 체결에 대한 국회의 동의권 행사의 경우에는 그 의결정족수를 헌법 개정에 필요한 수준으로 강화하고 당해 조약안을 국민투표에 회부할 수 있도록 하는 방안도 제시하였다.

The Constitution stipulates the domestic status of treaties in Article 6 (1) and prescribes the Presidential right to conclusion of treaties in Article 73 and the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature(National Assembly) in Article 60 (1). However, since such Articles are so comprehensive and general, there are many interpretative problems relating to procedures of the conclusion of treaties and especially the exercise of the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature. So, it is very hard for the competent authorities to proceed with the procedures of conclusion of treaties systematically and efficiently. Therefore, there has been a movement to amend the Article 60 (1) of the Constitution and enact a new Procedural Law for the Conclusion of Treaties to regulate the process of the conclusion of treaties definitely needed to clear the denunciation about the interpretation of the Constitution and secure the practical exercise of the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature. From this standpoint, this paper discussed the meaning of “conclusion-ratification of treaties” in Article 60 (1) of the Constitution and various related subjects such as the details of procedure of the conclusion of treaties, the scope of treaties to be consented, the proper time and method to consent, and the effect of consent or refusal of consent, which are needed to examine for the amendment of the Constitution and enactment of new Procedural Law for the Conclusion of Treaties centering around the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature.

The Constitution stipulates the domestic status of treaties in Article 6 (1) and prescribes the Presidential right to conclusion of treaties in Article 73 and the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature(National Assembly) in Article 60 (1). However, since such Articles are so comprehensive and general, there are many interpretative problems relating to procedures of the conclusion of treaties and especially the exercise of the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature. So, it is very hard for the competent authorities to proceed with the procedures of conclusion of treaties systematically and efficiently. Therefore, there has been a movement to amend the Article 60 (1) of the Constitution and enact a new Procedural Law for the Conclusion of Treaties to regulate the process of the conclusion of treaties definitely needed to clear the denunciation about the interpretation of the Constitution and secure the practical exercise of the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature. From this standpoint, this paper discussed the meaning of “conclusion-ratification of treaties” in Article 60 (1) of the Constitution and various related subjects such as the details of procedure of the conclusion of treaties, the scope of treaties to be consented, the proper time and method to consent, and the effect of consent or refusal of consent, which are needed to examine for the amendment of the Constitution and enactment of new Procedural Law for the Conclusion of Treaties centering around the right of consent to the conclusion of treaties by the Legislature.