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이 연구는 2009년 8월 우리나라의 독특한 대체적 분쟁해결 제도인 언론중재제도의 변화를 맞이하여 제도의 역사와 배경, 제도의 근본 의미를 다시 한 번 점검해 보고자 하였다. 특히 언론중재제도의 다양한 기능 가운데 ‘조정’ 제도의 본래적 기능에 주목하고 언론-소스 간 근본적인 갈등 해소를 위한 제도로서의 가능성을 모색해 보고자 하였다. 또한 이 연구에서는 현 언론중재제도의 운영 현황과 이용자 만족도 등을 살펴봄으로써 제도의 근본 의미가 실제 잘 살려지고 있는지 함께 점검해 보았다. 결과, 조정의 진정한 실제 의미가 한국적 상황에서 오해되어 사용되고 있으며, 현재 언론중재제도의 조정 기능은 빠른 문제 해결을 위한 사법 제도의 대체적 역할에 초점을 맞추는 경향이 있었음이 드러났다. 이 연구는 향후 언론중재제도가 보다 커뮤니케이션 중심적이고 언론-소스 간 근본적인 갈등 해소를 위한 본래적 의미의 기능 도입이 필요하다고 결론 내렸다.

This study examines the development and the fundamental purpose of the Press Arbitration System, one of the unique alternative dispute resolution systems in South Korea, with a revision of the system engendered by the internet environment in August, 2009. Among various functions of the Press Arbitration System, the study focuses on the original function of the mediation system in particular, trying to enlarge the chance of fundamental conflict resolution between media and source. Also, the study investigates the level of participants’ satisfaction about the Press Arbitration System in South Korea to examine whether the fundamental meaning of the system has been realized in the Korean situation. Evidence drawn from the surveys indicates that the system was seen as a fast-track alternative to the judicial system in South Korea, rather than its original purpose of conflict resolution. Conclusively, the authors suggest that the South Korean Press Arbitration System needs to focus on more communication-centered process and to reinforce its mediation function in order to enable the system to fulfill its original mandate of helping media and source come to fundamental conflict resolution.

This study examines the development and the fundamental purpose of the Press Arbitration System, one of the unique alternative dispute resolution systems in South Korea, with a revision of the system engendered by the internet environment in August, 2009. Among various functions of the Press Arbitration System, the study focuses on the original function of the mediation system in particular, trying to enlarge the chance of fundamental conflict resolution between media and source. Also, the study investigates the level of participants’ satisfaction about the Press Arbitration System in South Korea to examine whether the fundamental meaning of the system has been realized in the Korean situation. Evidence drawn from the surveys indicates that the system was seen as a fast-track alternative to the judicial system in South Korea, rather than its original purpose of conflict resolution. Conclusively, the authors suggest that the South Korean Press Arbitration System needs to focus on more communication-centered process and to reinforce its mediation function in order to enable the system to fulfill its original mandate of helping media and source come to fundamental conflict resolution.