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신조선발주계약(혹은 선박건조계약)은 일반적으로 복잡한 권리와 의무 그리고 각 당사자가 다른 파트너에게 동의하여야 할 책임에 관한 국제물품매매계약이다. 계약의 종국적인 목적은 賣買이며 선박 건조자에 의해 완성된 선박을 매수인에게 이전하는 것이다. 이 계약은 조선소와 매수인간에 체결하는 계약이다. 이는 일반 매매계약과 그 기본구조를 같이한다. 그러나 일반적인 물품의 상거래와는 다른 많은 특성들을 지니고 있다.신조선발주계약은 단순한 물품의 권리와 의무에 대한 매매계약이 아니며, 비록 이것의 최종적인 목적이 정당한 가격을 지불하여 법적으로 그 선박의 權利(title)을 취득하여 재산권을 이루어내는 것이지만, 이 객체를 획득하기 위하여 양 당사자에 의해 추정되어진 매매계약의 범위와 성질이 단순한 賣買의 合意라고 하기 보다는 비해상(non-marine)의 법적 성질과 건축구조물을 건축하는 도급계약의 법적 성질도 포함하고 있다. 선박도 하나의 물품이므로 국제물품매매 계약상 유엔통일매매법(UNCCIS)이 적용되어야 하나 UNCCIS 제 2조는 선박의 매매를 물품매매에서 제외되므로 선박매매계약상 준거법 지정이 많은 1979년 영국물품매매법(Sale of Goods Act 1979)을 중심으로 법률 문제를 살피고 신조선발주계약을 독일과 한국 등에서 도급계약으로 보는 법률문제도 비교하여 검토하고자 한다. 그러므로 본고에서는 신조선발주계약에 대하여 1979년 SGA을 중심으로 법적용과 해사판례를 살펴보고 주요 조항에 대한 검토를 통하여 신조선발주계약의 意義와 각국의 입법례를 통하여 법적 성질로서 매매계약과 도급계약의 법리를 고찰하며, 신조선발주계약에 대한 법적 효력으로서 재산권이전과 선박건조자의 의무 및 양당사자의 구제에 대한 법률관계를 논함을 본고의 목적으로 삼고자 한다.

This thesis deals with the regime governing for shipbuilding contracts in England, Korea and some countries. A contract for the building and purchase of a ship is usually a complicated and involves statement of rights, obligations and responsibilities which each party agrees vis-a vis the other. The ultimate purpose of the contract is the sale and transfer of the finished ship by the builder to the buyer. Shipbuilding contracts are based on the builder and the customer. Moreover, the law may make a further requirement such as consideration or cause. Contracts for the construction and sale of ships are categorized as contracts for the sale of goods under English, United States and some countries law. This analysis imports ordinary rules relating to sale, notably implied warranties of fitness. On the other hand, The shipbuilding contract may be classified, not as a contract of sale but as a contract for work and materials under Germany, Korea Japan and some countries law. This analysis imports ordinary rules of law, many of which are similar to those implied in the case of sale but some of which emphasize the means of production rather than the state of the finished article.First of all, this thesis deals with the making of the shipbuilding contract. Secondly, this thesis analyses the legal nature of the shipbuilding contract that both the validity and the legal classification of the contract differ according to which law governs the contract.Thirdly, this thesis reviews the passing of property, duties of the builder and remedies of the parties. Additionally, this one makes a comparison between shipbuilding contract as a contract of sale and shipbuilding contract as a contract for work and materials. In conclusion, this thesis gives some suggestions to the shipbuilding contracts in korean maritime law.

This thesis deals with the regime governing for shipbuilding contracts in England, Korea and some countries. A contract for the building and purchase of a ship is usually a complicated and involves statement of rights, obligations and responsibilities which each party agrees vis-a vis the other. The ultimate purpose of the contract is the sale and transfer of the finished ship by the builder to the buyer. Shipbuilding contracts are based on the builder and the customer. Moreover, the law may make a further requirement such as consideration or cause. Contracts for the construction and sale of ships are categorized as contracts for the sale of goods under English, United States and some countries law. This analysis imports ordinary rules relating to sale, notably implied warranties of fitness. On the other hand, The shipbuilding contract may be classified, not as a contract of sale but as a contract for work and materials under Germany, Korea Japan and some countries law. This analysis imports ordinary rules of law, many of which are similar to those implied in the case of sale but some of which emphasize the means of production rather than the state of the finished article.First of all, this thesis deals with the making of the shipbuilding contract. Secondly, this thesis analyses the legal nature of the shipbuilding contract that both the validity and the legal classification of the contract differ according to which law governs the contract.Thirdly, this thesis reviews the passing of property, duties of the builder and remedies of the parties. Additionally, this one makes a comparison between shipbuilding contract as a contract of sale and shipbuilding contract as a contract for work and materials. In conclusion, this thesis gives some suggestions to the shipbuilding contracts in korean maritime law.