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The most distinctive characteristics of Mexican American language is in the sustained usage of Spanish and English in a single sentence or discourse: code switching. Here in this paper, I will focus on the language situation of Mexican Americans: the bilingualism of the community that has persisted for more than 150 years. Specifically, I will be concerned entirely with Spanish/English code switching among Mexican American bilinguals. This paper will be composed as follows. In Chapter 2, I will briefly introduce the general aspects of Mexican Spanish in the United States. Chapter 3 deals with forms and meanings of code switching: I will clearly distinguish code switching from the other terms such as borrowing and interference (i.e. Calque). In this chapter, I will also consider some functional types of code switching found in Mexican American speech. In chapter 4, I will describe a general and simple syntactic constraint on code switching in the research literature: code switching is possible only when it does not violate a syntactic rule of either language. In chapter 5, the conclusion of this paper will be presented.

The most distinctive characteristics of Mexican American language is in the sustained usage of Spanish and English in a single sentence or discourse: code switching. Here in this paper, I will focus on the language situation of Mexican Americans: the bilingualism of the community that has persisted for more than 150 years. Specifically, I will be concerned entirely with Spanish/English code switching among Mexican American bilinguals. This paper will be composed as follows. In Chapter 2, I will briefly introduce the general aspects of Mexican Spanish in the United States. Chapter 3 deals with forms and meanings of code switching: I will clearly distinguish code switching from the other terms such as borrowing and interference (i.e. Calque). In this chapter, I will also consider some functional types of code switching found in Mexican American speech. In chapter 4, I will describe a general and simple syntactic constraint on code switching in the research literature: code switching is possible only when it does not violate a syntactic rule of either language. In chapter 5, the conclusion of this paper will be presented.