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This research aims to investigate the verb production ability in Korean-French bilingual children through their two languages. Bilinguals have been exposed to two languages since their birth and living in France. Most of previous studies related to bilingual children’s language development have estimated their language ability based on only one language they speak and insisted that their language development is later than that of monolinguals. However in order to grasp their whole language ability, it is required to evaluate two languages children speak. In this study, the verb production ability was studied in 21 bilinguals (48-to-84-month-old), compared with 14 matched control participants during an action naming task, called APPROX. Our findings show that each group differed significantly in verb production ability. First, older bilinguals showed better verb production ability in French than in Korean in every evaluation item. Second, there were high positive correlations in their responses either in Korean or in French regarding four standards (validity, specificity, expectancy, approximation) of analysis. Third, concerning the 3rd research question, i.e., verb production ability among three groups, the best performance was achieved by younger bilingual children.