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1871년에 덕천서원이 훼철된 이후, 그 터는 반세기 가까운 세월 동안 잡초 속에 방치되어져 있었다. 그러다가 일제의 토지조사사업 이후 국유지로 편입되고, 또한 그 부지의 중앙을 종단하는 도로의 예정선이 결정되어 유허조차 더 이상 보존할 수가 없게 되었다. 이를 계기로 하여 1916년에 河載華 등 유림은 그 터에다 덕천서원 강당이었던 경의당의 옛 이름을 사용한 건물을 중건할 것을 결의하고, 이듬해에 낙성식을 거행하였다. 경의당 중건의 중심인물인 하재화는 傍祖인 河沆을 포함한 5현을 뒤이어 건립될 사우에 배향할 것을 제의했다. 그러나 본손 측의 입장은 曺植 도학의 정통성은 吳健과 鄭逑가 계승하였으므로, 재건된 서원에는 훼철 이전의 崔永慶을 대신하여 이 두 사람을 배향해야 하며, 만약 이에 대한 합의가 이루어지지 못한다면 조식만을 獨享하는 것이 바람직하다는 것이었다. 본손 측이 독향을 고집하는 이유는 최영경의 배향이 鄭仁弘의 의사를 반영한 것이었기 때문에 정구의 뜻을 받들어 조식의 도학을 尊衛한다는 것이었다. 그러나 그 배경에는 최영경의 배향이 덕천서원 훼철의 간접적 원인이 되었다는 조씨 문중의 피해의식이 깔려 있었다. 1926년 초에 조씨 문중은 許穆이 지은 조식 신도비, 즉 德山碑를 절단하여 파묻는 사태를 일으켜 또 한 차례 큰 물의를 야기하였다. 덕천서원 부지 및 건물의 소유권 문제와 더불어 덕산비의 원상회복을 둘러싼 남인 계열 유림과 조씨 문중 사이의 분쟁은 결국 만4년에 걸친 법정투쟁으로 전개되었다. 분규가 말미에 이르러 조씨 측에 유리한 방향으로 전개된 데에는 당시 大東斯文會 회장이었던 魚允迪의 도움이 결정적이었다. 1812에 용암서원묘정비로서 건립되었던 송시열이 찬한 조식 신도비문은 그 후 1903년 趙性家의 발론으로 진주 인근에 거주하는 서인계 유림이 본손 측과 상의하여, 1909년 무렵 덕산의 조식 묘도에 신도비로서 세워지게 되었다. 덕산비 사건의 직접적 계기는 의령의 二宜亭에서 1905년 가을에 중간된 허목의 문집 『記言』에서 원래 別集에 들어있었던 「答學者」가 당시 편집에 참여했던 유림의 지적에 의해 일단 삭제되었다가 후일 그 문중 인사인 許巑에 의해 슬그머니 다시 포함하여 간행 시판된 데 있었다. 조씨 문중의 지도자 曺庸相이 생전에 주력했던 사업 중에는 선대의 계보를 바로잡는 문제가 포함되어 있었다. 창녕조씨의 私譜 간행은 1596년의 丙申譜가 처음이며, 그 후 1693년의 癸酉譜가 두 번째인데, 문제는 이 계유보에서부터 종전의 南平曺氏가 昌寧曺氏侍中公派로 칭하며 대동보에 참여하게 된 점에 있다. 그러면 결국 조식은 동성동본의 부인을 맞이한 셈이 되는 것이다. 조용상은 譜所에 여러 차례 서신을 보내어 김해의 남평조씨를 대동보에 포함시키지 않을 것을 규약 속에 명시토록 요구하였으나 그 실현을 보지 못하였다. 그러므로 그의 주도 하에 曺彦亨의 두 아들 植과 桓의 자손은 1915년에 별도로 『昌寧曺氏文貞忠順衛公派譜』(乙卯派譜)를 간행하여, 대동보로부터 독립한 파보를 성립시키게 되었던 것이다. 진주 일대는 한국 공자교운동의 중심이 된 곳이다. 오늘날 국내의 공자교운동은 李炳憲이 1922~23년에 걸쳐 세운 培山書堂이 그 중심이었던 것으로 알려져 있지만, 실은 그보다 앞서 1917년 道統祠에 대해 중국 曲阜에 있는 孔敎總會의 總理인 孔祥霖 명의로 孔敎支會의 허가가 주어진 것이 최초였다. 도통사의 발단은 1909년에 진주의 順興安氏 재실인 硯山齋에서 고려 말에 성리학을 처음 도입한 安珦의 『晦軒實記』를 重刊한 데서 비롯한다. 그 후 1917년 봄에 安孝鎭 등을 곡부의 闕里로 파견하여 도통사 유림대표의 서신을 전달하였고, 그들은 궐리에 머물던 동안 도통사에 조선 공교지회를 설립하는 데 대한 허가를 받았던 것이다. 그런데 1918년 무렵 도산서원 원장이 통문을 보내어, 도통사 측이 공자를 봉안하면서 주자와 안자만을 배향한 것이 부당함을 지적하였고, 이어서 세 가지 조목으로 따졌다. 이는 영남에서 전통적 권위를 유지해 온 도산서원을 제쳐두고서 공교지회의 권위를 빌어 갑자기 대두한 도통사 측에 대해 견제하는 뜻을 담은 것이다. 이 통문은 1920년 4월 이병헌이 배산서당 설립 건으로 궐리를 방문했을 때 이황 종손인 李忠鎬의 서신과 함께 전달되었고, 궐리 측의 답신 형태로 도산통문에 대한 전폭적인 공감을 표명하는 회답을 받아 돌아왔다. 그리하여 결국 도통사의 공교지회로서의 지위는 종말을 고하게 되었고, 그 지위는 이충호를 대표자로 하여 1919년 정월부터 건설 작업이 시작된 배산서당으로 교체되었다. 도산서원이 도통사를 비판한 통문에는 이병헌이 처음부터 깊이 관여해 있었다. 배산서당은 1923년 9월 궐리에서 모사해 온 聖像 및 道東祠의 위패 봉안식이 끝나자마자 서당 안에서 이병헌의 저술 내용이 정주학과 위배되는 점을 비판하는 내용의 議案이 제기되었고, 10월 중순부터는 각처 院祠의 성토 통문이 이어져, 결국 그가 도통사를 대체하여 배산서당을 조선의 공교지회로 삼으려던 계획은 무산되고 말았다. 이병헌은 이러한 사태의 궁극적 원인을 도통사 측의 보복에 있는 것으로 보았다.

Since Dukcheon-Seowon was abolished in 1871, the site was left uncared for near half century overgrown with weeds. After the land census by the colonial government, it was incorporated to the government assets, and it could not be preserved even as a site because a road was planned to be set up across the center of it. With this as a momentum, the Confucians, leaded by Ha Jae-Hwa, decided in 1916 to reconstruct Gyeonguidang which had been the hall of former Dukcheon-Seowon, and the completion was celebrated in next year. Ha suggested to hold memorial service for five disciples, including his ancestor Ha Hang, according to their master Cho Shik in the shrine which would be constructed soon after. But Cho's descendants asserted either to serve Oh Geun and Cheong Gu instead of Choi Yong-Gyeong the former co-worshiper or Cho Shik only. They said that although Choi had been selected to be served by the will of Cheong In-Hong, Cho's real legitimacy was succeeded by the two above. But in the background of their assertion, there lies a paranoia that Choi's service had been the indirect causes of Dukcheon-Seowon's abolishment. In early 1926, the Cho's descendants gave rise to the enormous public criticism once more by cutting and burying up Duksanbi, the monument at the entrance of Cho Shik's tomb written by Heo Mok. The dispute for the ownership of Dukcheon-Seowon and restoration of Duksanbi between the Namin group Confucians and Cho's descendants was finally developed into the trial that lasted for 4 years. Eo Yoon-Jeok's help was decisive for the case finally turn to be affirmative for the Cho. The direct momentum for the Duksanbi case was that “An answer for the Scholars” which was originally included in the Gieon, a collection of Heo Mok's works, was eliminated for a while by the criticism of the editors of new edition but afterwards secretly included again and sold out. Among the tasks that Cho Yong-Sang, the leader of the Cho, devoted himself through his life was the problem to correct the genealogy of his ancestors. The publication of the genealogical table of the Cho was in 1596, and that of second edition in 1693. The problem was that the Cho of Nampyeong began to be included in the genealogical table of the Cho of Changnyeong from the second edition. For the result of it, Cho Shik could be misunderstood as married to a woman of the same clan. Cho Yong-Sang asked several times to the editors of the genealogical table to eliminate the Nampyeongs from the table, but it couldn't be realized. Since then by his initiative, the descendants of Cho Eon-Hyong, Cho Shik's father, finally materialized in 1915 a sect table which was independent from the whole genealogical table. Jinju and it's vicinity was the place that became the center of the religious movement of Korean Confucianism. Although it is nowadays considered that the religious movement of Confucianism was started in Baesan-Seodang, founded by Lee Byeong-Hon, there was the earlier movement that in 1917 the status of the Korean branch of religious Confucianism was conferred to Dotongsa from the secretary Kong Xiang-Lin in Qufu China. But in 1918, The head of Dosan-Seowon sent the circular that criticized Dotongsa in several aspects. It was to check Dotongsa which appeared suddenly with the authority of the branch to leave out Dosan-Seowon which had hold the traditional authority in Yeongnam district. The circular was delivered to Jueli by Lee Byeong-Hon when he visited there in April 1920 with the letter of Lee Choong-Ho the eldest grandson of the main family of Lee Hwang. And he returned with the reply of Jueli that expressed full sympathy to the Lee Choong-Ho's assertion. Thus the status of Dotongsa as the branch of the religious Confucianism brought to an end and it was substituted to Baesan-Seodang which had begun to be construct from the January of 1919 with Lee Choong-Ho as it's key person. Lee Byeong-Hon had involved in, from the beginning, the circular of Dosan-Seowon that criticized Dotongsa. But Beasan-Seodang finally ended in fail by the criticism that Lee Byeong-Hon's writings contained the thoughts which run counter to Zhu Xi. Lee thought that the ultimate reason lied in the revenge of Dotongsa.

Since Dukcheon-Seowon was abolished in 1871, the site was left uncared for near half century overgrown with weeds. After the land census by the colonial government, it was incorporated to the government assets, and it could not be preserved even as a site because a road was planned to be set up across the center of it. With this as a momentum, the Confucians, leaded by Ha Jae-Hwa, decided in 1916 to reconstruct Gyeonguidang which had been the hall of former Dukcheon-Seowon, and the completion was celebrated in next year. Ha suggested to hold memorial service for five disciples, including his ancestor Ha Hang, according to their master Cho Shik in the shrine which would be constructed soon after. But Cho's descendants asserted either to serve Oh Geun and Cheong Gu instead of Choi Yong-Gyeong the former co-worshiper or Cho Shik only. They said that although Choi had been selected to be served by the will of Cheong In-Hong, Cho's real legitimacy was succeeded by the two above. But in the background of their assertion, there lies a paranoia that Choi's service had been the indirect causes of Dukcheon-Seowon's abolishment. In early 1926, the Cho's descendants gave rise to the enormous public criticism once more by cutting and burying up Duksanbi, the monument at the entrance of Cho Shik's tomb written by Heo Mok. The dispute for the ownership of Dukcheon-Seowon and restoration of Duksanbi between the Namin group Confucians and Cho's descendants was finally developed into the trial that lasted for 4 years. Eo Yoon-Jeok's help was decisive for the case finally turn to be affirmative for the Cho. The direct momentum for the Duksanbi case was that “An answer for the Scholars” which was originally included in the Gieon, a collection of Heo Mok's works, was eliminated for a while by the criticism of the editors of new edition but afterwards secretly included again and sold out. Among the tasks that Cho Yong-Sang, the leader of the Cho, devoted himself through his life was the problem to correct the genealogy of his ancestors. The publication of the genealogical table of the Cho was in 1596, and that of second edition in 1693. The problem was that the Cho of Nampyeong began to be included in the genealogical table of the Cho of Changnyeong from the second edition. For the result of it, Cho Shik could be misunderstood as married to a woman of the same clan. Cho Yong-Sang asked several times to the editors of the genealogical table to eliminate the Nampyeongs from the table, but it couldn't be realized. Since then by his initiative, the descendants of Cho Eon-Hyong, Cho Shik's father, finally materialized in 1915 a sect table which was independent from the whole genealogical table. Jinju and it's vicinity was the place that became the center of the religious movement of Korean Confucianism. Although it is nowadays considered that the religious movement of Confucianism was started in Baesan-Seodang, founded by Lee Byeong-Hon, there was the earlier movement that in 1917 the status of the Korean branch of religious Confucianism was conferred to Dotongsa from the secretary Kong Xiang-Lin in Qufu China. But in 1918, The head of Dosan-Seowon sent the circular that criticized Dotongsa in several aspects. It was to check Dotongsa which appeared suddenly with the authority of the branch to leave out Dosan-Seowon which had hold the traditional authority in Yeongnam district. The circular was delivered to Jueli by Lee Byeong-Hon when he visited there in April 1920 with the letter of Lee Choong-Ho the eldest grandson of the main family of Lee Hwang. And he returned with the reply of Jueli that expressed full sympathy to the Lee Choong-Ho's assertion. Thus the status of Dotongsa as the branch of the religious Confucianism brought to an end and it was substituted to Baesan-Seodang which had begun to be construct from the January of 1919 with Lee Choong-Ho as it's key person. Lee Byeong-Hon had involved in, from the beginning, the circular of Dosan-Seowon that criticized Dotongsa. But Beasan-Seodang finally ended in fail by the criticism that Lee Byeong-Hon's writings contained the thoughts which run counter to Zhu Xi. Lee thought that the ultimate reason lied in the revenge of Dotongsa.