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본 연구의 목적은 그림책 이야기를 들려준 후 이 이야기에 기초한 집단게임놀이를 개발하여 유치원 현장에 적용함으로써 유아의 정서지능, 마음이론, 실행기능에 어떤 영향을 미치는지를 살펴보는 것이었다. 게임은 규칙과 방법을 협의하여 선정하고 이 규칙들을 적용할 수 있어야 하므로 높은 수준의 유아의 정서지능, 마음이론, 실행기능이 요구된다. 그러므로 게임을 통하여 자연스럽게 이러한 능력이 향상될 수 있다고 가정하였다. 본 연구의 결과에 의하면, 그림책 이야기에 기초한 게임놀이가 유아의 정서지능, 마음이론, 실행기능을 향상시킨 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서는 그림책 이야기의 선정 시 등장인물의 행동에 정서의 인식과 표현, 정서의 조절 방법이 들어 있을 뿐 아니라 작동기억이나 반응 억제 등 실행기능도 반영된 그림책 이야기를 선정하여 이를 구체적 게임 활동으로 전개하여야 한다고 보고하였다.

This study examines the effects of picture story book based group game play activities on young children's emotional intelligence, theory of mind, and executive function. Playing group games demands that children exercise high levels of emotional intelligence, theory of mind, and executive function in making decisions about game rules and processes and applying them to game play. Therefore, this research proposes that while playing games, young children naturally advance themselves in these abilities. The results of this study demonstrate that picture story book based game play activities enhance young children's emotional intelligence, theory of mind, and executive function. The implications of the study are that the contents of the picture story books upon which the game activities are developed should not only include characters' behaviors which reflect emotional awareness, expression, and emotional regulation but also depict working memory and response inhibition of the executive function.

This study examines the effects of picture story book based group game play activities on young children's emotional intelligence, theory of mind, and executive function. Playing group games demands that children exercise high levels of emotional intelligence, theory of mind, and executive function in making decisions about game rules and processes and applying them to game play. Therefore, this research proposes that while playing games, young children naturally advance themselves in these abilities. The results of this study demonstrate that picture story book based game play activities enhance young children's emotional intelligence, theory of mind, and executive function. The implications of the study are that the contents of the picture story books upon which the game activities are developed should not only include characters' behaviors which reflect emotional awareness, expression, and emotional regulation but also depict working memory and response inhibition of the executive function.