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본 연구는 각 연령대별 유아들의 발달적 특성을 고려하면서 개별 유아에게 적절한 교육방법이나 내용을 선정하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 개별화 교육의 기초 자료를 제공하기 위해 유아의 수학능력을 역동적 평가를 통해 측정하였다. 유아의 현재 수학능력뿐만 아니라 역동적 평가과정에서 나타나는 수학학습에 대한 잠재력을 측정함으로써 4세와 5세 유아들의 수학능력의 발달적 경향과 잠재력측정과정에서 나타난 교수효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 유아수학학습잠재력 측정 결과에서 나타난 연령 간 발달경향을 알아본 결과 4세와 5세 간에 학습잠재력 관련 점수들간에 연령별로 유의한 차이가 나타났으며, 사전검사와 사후검사 간의 증진량 및 사용된 전략유형과 오류유형에 대한 분석을 통해 역동적 측정과정에서의 교수효과성을 검증하였다

This study investigates developmental trends and instructional effectiveness through a dynamic assessment of young children’s mathematical learning potentiality. The research aims are (1) to investigate developmental trends of mathematical learning potentiality assessment scores for young children, (2) to analyze the instructional effectiveness of the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test in terms of math problem types, (3) to analyze developmental shifts of math problem solving strategies between pre-test and post-test, (4) to analyze developmental shifts in math problem solving errors between pre-test and post-test. Subjects were 355 (169 4 year-old and 186 5 year-old) children selected from 4 kindergartens and childcare centers in Pusan city. Subjects were administrated the Mathematical Learning Potentiality Assessment. This assessment consists of four steps: pre-test, learning, transfer and post-test. Several statistical methods were used.  The results of this research are as follows: First, significant developmental differences occurred in the scores of the Mathematical Learning Potentiality Assessment for Young Children. Second, significant instructional effectiveness was shown in the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test with regard to math problem type. Third, the shifts of math problem solving strategies were significant between pre-test and post-test. Four, the shifts in math problem solving errors were significant between pre-test and post-test. Several educational implications and suggestions for further study are discussed.

This study investigates developmental trends and instructional effectiveness through a dynamic assessment of young children’s mathematical learning potentiality. The research aims are (1) to investigate developmental trends of mathematical learning potentiality assessment scores for young children, (2) to analyze the instructional effectiveness of the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test in terms of math problem types, (3) to analyze developmental shifts of math problem solving strategies between pre-test and post-test, (4) to analyze developmental shifts in math problem solving errors between pre-test and post-test. Subjects were 355 (169 4 year-old and 186 5 year-old) children selected from 4 kindergartens and childcare centers in Pusan city. Subjects were administrated the Mathematical Learning Potentiality Assessment. This assessment consists of four steps: pre-test, learning, transfer and post-test. Several statistical methods were used.  The results of this research are as follows: First, significant developmental differences occurred in the scores of the Mathematical Learning Potentiality Assessment for Young Children. Second, significant instructional effectiveness was shown in the amount of improvement between pre-test and post-test with regard to math problem type. Third, the shifts of math problem solving strategies were significant between pre-test and post-test. Four, the shifts in math problem solving errors were significant between pre-test and post-test. Several educational implications and suggestions for further study are discussed.