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0~6세아를 위한 “교육”과 “보호”를 위한 정책이 각기 다른 관리체제하에서 분리되어 발달되어온 대부분의 국가에서, 최근에는 유아교육에서의 보호의 기능의 강화와 보육에서의 교육의 기능 강화로 실질적으로 “educare”의 통합적 관점에서 일관성 있는 정책을 실현하고자 노력하고 있다. 프랑스의 경우도 연령별로 이원화된 행정체계 속에서도 유아교육과 보육서비스 간의 기능적 통합의 경향을 보이고 있다. 이러한 흐름과 함께 본 연구는 프랑스의 유아교육과 보육정책을 실현하는 행정부처의 기능과 그들 간의 협력체계를 살펴봄으로써 우리나라의 유아교육과 보육의 일원화를 통한 통합의 당위성과 평생교육의 차원에서의 학제개편의 방향성을 중심으로 의미 있는 시사점을 도출해 낼 수 있었다.

This study examines the administrative and financial organizations for France's early childhood education and care policy. There are key differences in the administration of the care and education sectors for young children. The pre-school(Ecole maternelle) is part of the national educational system, and responsibilities are shared between the State and the local authorities. Other early childhood policies in the child care sector are decentralized and vary according to the efforts of various partners, such as CAF(Office of Family allowance funds) and the PMI(Protection of Maternal and child) which controls the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care settings and actions by non-profit groups. In conclusion, this study of French national system points out some implications for the pending integration of early childhood care and kindergarten, currently facing the Korean early childhood education system and for the reorganization in Korea's school system.

This study examines the administrative and financial organizations for France's early childhood education and care policy. There are key differences in the administration of the care and education sectors for young children. The pre-school(Ecole maternelle) is part of the national educational system, and responsibilities are shared between the State and the local authorities. Other early childhood policies in the child care sector are decentralized and vary according to the efforts of various partners, such as CAF(Office of Family allowance funds) and the PMI(Protection of Maternal and child) which controls the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care settings and actions by non-profit groups. In conclusion, this study of French national system points out some implications for the pending integration of early childhood care and kindergarten, currently facing the Korean early childhood education system and for the reorganization in Korea's school system.