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본 연구는 유아가 보이는 리더십을 유형화하고 각 유형에서 나타나는 관련 변인(유아의 기질과 어머니 양육행동)의 차이를 고려하여 유형별 특성을 살펴봄으로써 유아 리더십이라는 광범위한 개념을 구체화하는데 목적이 있다. 연구의 대상은 경기도에 소재한 유아교육기관에 재원 중인 만 5세 유아 629명과 그들의 어머니, 담임교사 45명이었으며, 유아 리더십을 유형화하기 위하여 계층적 군집분석과 K-평균 군집분석을 실시하고 일원변량분석을 통해 이를 검증하였다. 연구의 결과, 유아 리더십 유형은 관계적인 리더십, 조화로운 리더십, 잠재적인 리더십, 창의적인 리더십의 4가지 유형으로 구분되었으며 각 유형의 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘관계적인 리더십’ 유형은 자신의 감정을 잘 조절하고 다른 사람의 말과 생각을 존중하여 또래와 성인과의 관계가 원만한 유형이다. 둘째, ‘조화로운 리더십’ 유형은 다양한 상황에서 자신과 친구들의 생각을 적절히 조절하여 창의적인 방법으로 활동을 이끌어가는 유형이다. 셋째, ‘잠재적인 리더십’은 리더십 능력이 잠재되어 있어 아직 외부로 잘 표현되지 않는 유형이다. 그리고 넷째, ‘창의적인 리더십’은 새로운 환경에 잘 적응하며 유아가 주도적으로 창의적인 새로운 활동을 계획하고 완성하는 유형이다.

This study classifies young children’s leadership into four types and defines their characteristics in relation to young children’s temperament and their mothers’ child rearing behaviors. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 15.0 program. Statistical methods used were hierarchical clustering, K-means clustering, one-way ANOVA and the Tukey test. The results of this study show that leadership can be classified into four groups; relational, coordinated, potential, and creative. The characteristics of each of these types are as follows: First, ‘relational leadership’ is characterized by proper regulation of emotion, respecting what others say and think, as well as by acquiring a good relationship with adults. It has lower correlations with the adaptability, activation, and conversion of young children’s temperament compared to other leadership types. The mothers in this type of relationship show warm-hearted and accepting child rearing behaviors. Second, ‘coordinated leadership’ is characterized by creative and unique leadership activity to achieve goals through regulating his/her and peers’ thoughts in various situations. This type has higher correlations with the adaptability, activation, and durability of young children’s temperament. Mothers of children demonstrating this type of leadership also show warm-hearted and accepting child rearing behaviors. Third, the ‘potential leadership’ type is a latent one so is unlikely to be exposed outside. It has lower correlations with the adaptability and durability of young children’s temperament compared children demonstrating other leadership types. Mothers in this relationship show permissive and liberal rearing behaviors. Fourth, ‘creative leadership’ is characterized by planning and achieving creative and new activities through active participation and excellent adaptability to new environments. It has higher correlations with the adaptability and durability of young children’s temperament. Mothers of children who demonstrate this leadership type show warm- hearted and accepting child rearing behaviors.

This study classifies young children’s leadership into four types and defines their characteristics in relation to young children’s temperament and their mothers’ child rearing behaviors. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 15.0 program. Statistical methods used were hierarchical clustering, K-means clustering, one-way ANOVA and the Tukey test. The results of this study show that leadership can be classified into four groups; relational, coordinated, potential, and creative. The characteristics of each of these types are as follows: First, ‘relational leadership’ is characterized by proper regulation of emotion, respecting what others say and think, as well as by acquiring a good relationship with adults. It has lower correlations with the adaptability, activation, and conversion of young children’s temperament compared to other leadership types. The mothers in this type of relationship show warm-hearted and accepting child rearing behaviors. Second, ‘coordinated leadership’ is characterized by creative and unique leadership activity to achieve goals through regulating his/her and peers’ thoughts in various situations. This type has higher correlations with the adaptability, activation, and durability of young children’s temperament. Mothers of children demonstrating this type of leadership also show warm-hearted and accepting child rearing behaviors. Third, the ‘potential leadership’ type is a latent one so is unlikely to be exposed outside. It has lower correlations with the adaptability and durability of young children’s temperament compared children demonstrating other leadership types. Mothers in this relationship show permissive and liberal rearing behaviors. Fourth, ‘creative leadership’ is characterized by planning and achieving creative and new activities through active participation and excellent adaptability to new environments. It has higher correlations with the adaptability and durability of young children’s temperament. Mothers of children who demonstrate this leadership type show warm- hearted and accepting child rearing behaviors.