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본 연구는 유아의 연령, 성별, 기질과 개인적ㆍ가상적 내러티브 발달수준 및 논리적 응집장치와의 관련성을 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 어린이집 세 곳에 재원중인 4세와 5세 유아 94명을 대상으로 개인적ㆍ가상적 내러티브를 수집하고 전사하여 분석하고, 부모용 기질 검사를 통해 유아의 기질을 측정하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 개인적 내러티브에서는 5세 유아가 4세 유아에 비해 높은 발달수준을 보였다. 반면 가상적 내러티브에서는 연령과 성별에 따른 상호작용 효과가 나타나, 남아의 경우 4세 유아가 5세에 비해 높은 수준을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 2) 유아들이 개인적 내러티브와 가상적 내러티브를 구성할 때 평균 문장 수와 논리적 응집장치를 서로 다르게 사용하는 것으로 나타났다. 3) 유아의 기질 중 활동성 변인이 개인적 내러티브 수준과 정적상관이 있었는데 반해 유아의 반응성 기질은 가상적 내러티브 수준과 정적인 상관이 있었다.

This study examines the effects of young children's age, gender and temperament on the developmental levels and logical cohesion of their personal and fictional narratives. The subjects were 94 children, all four and five years of age, from three different child care centers. Temperament was measured by the Parent Temperament Questionnaires(PTQ), and the children's narratives were collected through one-on-one interviews, and analyzed in terms of developmental level and logical cohesion. The findings of the study are as follows. First, the developmental levels of the five-year-old children were higher than those of the four-year-old children in personal narratives. However, the interaction effects between age and gender were statistically significant in the fictional narratives. In contrast to the girls' groups, the developmental levels of the four-year-old boys were more advanced than those of the five-year-old boys. Second, there were some differences between the personal and fictional narratives in the length of clauses and logical cohesion. Third, there was an positive relationship between personal narratives and 'activity' temperament, while there was an positive relationship between fictional narratives and 'intensity of reaction' temperament.

This study examines the effects of young children's age, gender and temperament on the developmental levels and logical cohesion of their personal and fictional narratives. The subjects were 94 children, all four and five years of age, from three different child care centers. Temperament was measured by the Parent Temperament Questionnaires(PTQ), and the children's narratives were collected through one-on-one interviews, and analyzed in terms of developmental level and logical cohesion. The findings of the study are as follows. First, the developmental levels of the five-year-old children were higher than those of the four-year-old children in personal narratives. However, the interaction effects between age and gender were statistically significant in the fictional narratives. In contrast to the girls' groups, the developmental levels of the four-year-old boys were more advanced than those of the five-year-old boys. Second, there were some differences between the personal and fictional narratives in the length of clauses and logical cohesion. Third, there was an positive relationship between personal narratives and 'activity' temperament, while there was an positive relationship between fictional narratives and 'intensity of reaction' temperament.