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본 연구는 과학교수효능감이 높은 유아교사들이 인식하는 좋은 유아과학수업의 의미에 대해 살펴봄으로써 현장 유아교사들이 지향하는 과학수업의 의미, 교수전략, 교사의 자질은 무엇인지 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 서울과 경기도에 거주하는 현장경력 3년 이상의 유치원 교사 11명을 연구대상으로 개별 심층면담을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였다. 연구 결과 유아교사들은 유아가 적극적으로 참여하는 수업, 발달에 적합한 수업, 교사들이 즐거워하는 수업이 좋은 유아과학수업이라고 보았다. 이러한 수업을 위한 교수전략으로는 흥미 있는 도입, 수업계획의 융통적인 운영, 유아들과 함께 과학 정보 수집하기, 그룹 구성을 통한 상호작용의 묘미 살리기, 과학활동 결과물을 활용한 확장 활동이 필요한 것으로 인식하고 있었다. 마지막으로 좋은 과학수업을 위해 필요한 유아교사의 자질로는 열심, 솔직성, 과학에 대한 두려움 없는 태도 등으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과들은 유아교사들이 구성주의적 교수신념과 발달에 적합한 교수법의 중요성을 인정하는 한편, 현장 경험을 통하여 나름대로 좋은 과학수업의 의미를 재해석하고 있음을 의미한다. 추후 연구에서는 이를 바탕으로 교사-유아의 상호작용에 초점을 둔 좋은 과학수업 관찰 연구가 필요함을 제시하였다.

This study examines early childhood teachers’perceptions regarding good science teaching by probing the insights of experienced teachers. Participants were 11 experienced kindergarten teachers, each having 3 or more years of teaching experience in either Seoul or Kyunggi province. Data was collected through individual in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The research findings are as follows: First, the teachers conceptualized that the general characteristics of good science teaching are 1) active children’s participation, 2) developmentally-appropriate teaching, and 3) teachers who are themselves excited about science. Second, the teaching strategies of good science teaching noted as: 1) prepared interesting introductions, 2) flexible learning plans, 3) collaborative data collections, 4) diverse evaluation methods, and 5) expanded activities to develop the scientific attitudes of children. Third, the most pervasive characteristics good science teachers of kindergarten children must possess are enthusiasm, honesty, and fearlessness to teach science. Based on these insightful articulations, future research would do well to focus on investigating the interactions between teachers and children in the context of children’s learning.

This study examines early childhood teachers’perceptions regarding good science teaching by probing the insights of experienced teachers. Participants were 11 experienced kindergarten teachers, each having 3 or more years of teaching experience in either Seoul or Kyunggi province. Data was collected through individual in-depth and semi-structured interviews. The research findings are as follows: First, the teachers conceptualized that the general characteristics of good science teaching are 1) active children’s participation, 2) developmentally-appropriate teaching, and 3) teachers who are themselves excited about science. Second, the teaching strategies of good science teaching noted as: 1) prepared interesting introductions, 2) flexible learning plans, 3) collaborative data collections, 4) diverse evaluation methods, and 5) expanded activities to develop the scientific attitudes of children. Third, the most pervasive characteristics good science teachers of kindergarten children must possess are enthusiasm, honesty, and fearlessness to teach science. Based on these insightful articulations, future research would do well to focus on investigating the interactions between teachers and children in the context of children’s learning.