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본 연구는 생활발명 활동이 유아의 창의성, 과학적 문제해결력, 과학적 태도에 미치는 영향을 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 연구 목적을 위하여, 서울시 K구에 위치한 2개 어린이집의 만 5세반을 실헙집단과 비교집단으로 무선배정하였으며, 총 유아 37명 중 실험집단 18명, 비교집단 19명으로 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 실험집단에는 6주 동안 총 17회에 걸쳐 생활발명 활동을 처치하였으며, 수집된 자료는 t-검증을 통해 실험처치의 효과를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 생활발명활동을 실시한 실험집단 유아들이 비교집단 유아들보다 창의성, 과학적 문제해결력, 과학적 태도가 유의하게 증진된 것으로 밝혀졌다.

This study was undertaken on the premise that everyday life invention opportunities occur in all of our lives, including our very young lives and that such invention requires a disposition to recognize problems and a belief that one can find ways to solve them. These are also key requisite abilities in creativity and scientific problem-solving and attitude. Subjects were thirty-seven 5-year-old children from two day centers in Seoul. Eighteen 5 year-old children from Y district comprised the experimental group which engaged in guided everyday life invention activities 17 times for 6 weeks while nineteen 5-year-old children from D child care center in the same district served as the control group and engaged in regular day care activities. The results of the assessments of creativity, scientific problem solving and attitudes of the two groups reveal: 1) the everyday life invention activities had a positive effect on children's creativity: 2) they showed a positive effect on children's scientific problem solving skills: 3) and they had a positive influence on the increase of children's scientific attitudes. In sum, by confirming the integrative connectivity of everyday life invention activities to creativity and scientific problem-solving and attitudes, these findings provide a powerful rationale for using such inventive thinking activities in early childhood settings.