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본 연구는 친사회적인 주제를 담고 있는 그림책을 읽고 이야기하는 과정에서 나타나는 유아의 이야기 반응을 관찰하여, 유아들이 도덕적인 주제를 어떻게 이해하는지를 탐색하고자 하였다. 연구방법은 내러티브 탐구방법을 적용, 만 5세 유아 7명과 주2회씩 총 55회 친사회적 이야기를 읽고 토론하기와 일상생활의 참여관찰 총 33회로 이루어졌다. 결과, 유아들은 저자의 의도나 등장인물의 행동 동기에 대해 자신들의 정서를 이용하여 도덕적 주제를 매우 잘 이해하는 도덕적 민감성을 가지고 있으나, 여러 가지 도덕적 주제에 대해 주로 단순하게 ‘착한’ 또는 ‘나쁜’ 것으로 이분법적 분류를 하며, 도덕적 행동들에 대해서도 착한 행동은 ‘해야’하고 나쁜 행동은 ‘하지 말아야’하는 규칙이나 약속처럼 당위로써 이해하는 특징이 있었다. 또한 유아들은 정직과 거짓, 정의와 공평, 협동과 경쟁의 범주에 속하는 주제들에 비해, 존중과 배려에 대한 주제에 대해서는 이해에 어려움을 느끼는 경향이 있었다. 한편 유아들은 감정적 접근을 유도하는 질문이나 이야기 경험의 누적에 의해 친사회적 주제에 대한 이해가 변해가는 것을 보여 주었다.

This study seeks to explore how young children understand moral themes in prosocial story books. To this end, a narrative research method was adopted in which young children’s responses were observed while reading stories with prosocial themes and engaging in discussions afterwards. As well, they were observed in their daily activities. Data were collected by observing classes, videotapes, and interviews with the children. The subjects were seven 5-year-old children attending a kindergarten located in Busan. The children were capable of reading the books by themselves, but the researcher read the books to them and led discussions with them afterwards. Children participated in a 30-minute reading and discussion session twice a week for a period of 28 weeks using 28 books. As well, daily, the children’s moral behavioral episodes were observed during free-choice activity, outdoor play, and role play sessions. The results of the analysis of the children’s talks follows: First, the children seemed to have the moral sensitivity to understand moral themes, expressing their own emotions towards the writers’ intentions or the characters’ behavioral motives. However, they tended to classify the various moral themes simply into ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ Children regarded moral behaviors as taken-for-granted rules or promises where good behaviors should be done and bad ones should not be done. However, they appeared to have difficulty in understanding themes about respect and thoughtfulness related to the themes of honesty and falsehood, justice and fairness, or cooperation and competition. Second and most importantly, the children’s understanding of prosocial themes and their own emotional approach to them was shown to change throughout the accumulation of questions, discussion and stories over the 28 weeks. Thus it can be asserted that a pro-social cognitive and emotional moral understanding develops positively through guided experience and time.