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The study investigated how a Korean father? demographic variables (education, occupation, and income) and psychological characteristics (marital satisfaction, job satisfaction) affect his role perceptions (teacher, satisfier, and mediator) and childrearing behaviors (affection, rejection, stimulation of dependency, and control). This study examined 222 Korean fathers?role perceptions and childrearing behavior by using survey questionnaires regarding each variable. Data were analyzed using frequency, mean, correlation analysis and multiple regression. The results indicate that the marital satisfaction was proportional to the fathering behavior (affection and rejection), and to the fathering role perception (satisfiers, teachers, and mediators in that order), and the job satisfaction was proportional to the fathering behavior (affection and control), and to the fathering role perception (teachers and mediators). The father? educational background had an effect on affection and rejection of the father childrearing behavior. The father? income also had an effect on affection and control of the father childrearing behavior. In addition, the father? income had the most influential effect on his role perception.

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Korean fathering, father? role perception, father? role performance, Korean father? childrearing behavior, marital and occupational satisfaction