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목 적 : 세계적으로 최근 알레르기질환의 발생이 증가추세를 보이고 있으며 이에 국가 간의 유병률 비교를 위한 국제적 ISAAC 연구가 진행되었다. 국내에서도 국제 ISAAC 연구에 동참하여 1995년과 2000년에 초등학생과 중학생을 대상으로 전국적 역학조사를 수행하였다. 본 연구는 2006년 전국적 역학조사를 통하여 우리나라 초등학생의 알레르기질환의 유병률과 그 변화추이를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 2006년 가을철(10-11월)에 전국 15개 지역 438개교 초등학생 37,365명을 대상으로 천식, 아토피피부염, 비염에 대하여 ISAAC 연구와 동일한 내용의 설문지를 이용하여 역학조사를 시행하였다. 설문지는 대상 초등학생의 학부모가 답변하도록 하였다. 결 과 : 설문조사의 응답률은 66.5%였다. 설문조사에 응답한 초등학생의 연령은 6세에서 13세(평균 10.65±1.34세)였으며 남아가 43.62%, 여아가 56.38%였다. 천식의 경우 “일생 동안 천명의 유병률”은 10.53%, “지난 12개월 동안 천명”의 유병률은 4.7%, “일생 동안 천식 진단”의 유병률은 7.81%, “최근 1년간 천식 치료”의 유병률은 2.51%였다. 아토피피부염의 경우 “일생 동안 아토피피부염의 가려운 증상”의 유병률은 20.99%, “지난 12개월 동안 접히는 부위의 가려운 피부염 증상” 유병률은 15.91%, “일생 동안 아토피피부염의 진단” 유병률은 28.22%, “최근 1년간 아토피피부염으로 치료”받은 유병률은 13.91%를 나타내었다. 비염의 경우 “일생 동안 비염 증상”의 유병률은 37.7%,“지난 12개월 동안 비염 증상”의 유병률은 32.8%, “일생 동안 알레르기비염 진단” 유병률은 27.94%, “최근 1년간 알레르기비염 치료” 유병률은 21.44%를 나타내었다. 결 론 : 2006년 우리나라 초등학생의 천식의 유병률은 이전에 비해 감소하였고 알레르기비염과 아토피피부염의 유병률은 증가하였다. 이는 전세계적인 알레르기 질환의 유병률 변화추이와 유사한 결과를 보였다.

Purpose : The prevalence and morbidity of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis are increasing worldwide. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) was a standardized method to evaluate the prevalence of these diseases, and to compare it between countries. Using the standardized protocol, proposed by ISAAC Steering Committee, the prevalence of allergic diseases in Korean children was reported in 1995 and 2000. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the prevalence and changing patterns of morbidity of allergic diseases in Korean children for recent 10 years. Methods : From October 2006 to November 2006, Korean ISAAC written questionnaires were completed by the parents of 37,365 children attending 438 elementary schools in Seoul and 14 provinces. The questionnaires consisted of the questions about wheezing, rhinitis and eczema. Results : The prevalences of "wheeze, ever", "wheezing, last 12 months", "diagnosis of asthma, ever" and "treatment of asthma, last 12 months" were 10.53%, 4.7%, 7.81% and 2.51%, respectively. The prevalences of "rhinitis, ever", "rhinitis, last 12 months", "diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, ever" and "treatment of allergic rhinitis, last 12 months" were 37.7%, 32.8%, 27.94% and 21.44%, respectively. And prevalences of "itchy eczema, ever", "itchy flexural eczema, last 12 months", "diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, ever" and "treatment of atopic dermatitis, last 12 months" were 20.99%, 15.91%, 28.22% and 13.91%, respectively. Conclusion : From the results of this study, the prevalence of asthma decreased slightly compared to previous studies. In contrast, the prevalences of allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis are still increasing in Korean children in 2006.

Purpose : The prevalence and morbidity of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis are increasing worldwide. The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) was a standardized method to evaluate the prevalence of these diseases, and to compare it between countries. Using the standardized protocol, proposed by ISAAC Steering Committee, the prevalence of allergic diseases in Korean children was reported in 1995 and 2000. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the prevalence and changing patterns of morbidity of allergic diseases in Korean children for recent 10 years. Methods : From October 2006 to November 2006, Korean ISAAC written questionnaires were completed by the parents of 37,365 children attending 438 elementary schools in Seoul and 14 provinces. The questionnaires consisted of the questions about wheezing, rhinitis and eczema. Results : The prevalences of "wheeze, ever", "wheezing, last 12 months", "diagnosis of asthma, ever" and "treatment of asthma, last 12 months" were 10.53%, 4.7%, 7.81% and 2.51%, respectively. The prevalences of "rhinitis, ever", "rhinitis, last 12 months", "diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, ever" and "treatment of allergic rhinitis, last 12 months" were 37.7%, 32.8%, 27.94% and 21.44%, respectively. And prevalences of "itchy eczema, ever", "itchy flexural eczema, last 12 months", "diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, ever" and "treatment of atopic dermatitis, last 12 months" were 20.99%, 15.91%, 28.22% and 13.91%, respectively. Conclusion : From the results of this study, the prevalence of asthma decreased slightly compared to previous studies. In contrast, the prevalences of allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis are still increasing in Korean children in 2006.