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북한은 1984년 합영법을 공포하면서 개방정책을 시작하였다. 북한은 7·1경제관리 개선조치, 신의주 특별행정구 등 부분적이고 한정적인 개방 · 개혁 정책을 실시하였다. 그러나 북한의 이러한 개방 · 개혁은 중앙정부의 과도한 행정간섭, 내부경제와의 차단, 지대당국의 자율권 제한 등 제도적 문제, 그리고 부족한 인프라 등의 요인으로 인해 지대건설 목표를 달성할 수 없었다. 한편 중국은 1978년 사회주의 현대화 건설을 당의 사업 중심으로 전환하고 1992년 ‘사회주의 시장경제 이론’을 확립하였다. 이 연구는 북한과 중국의 개방·개혁정책을 비교 분석하였다. 또한 이 글은 개방·개혁의 개념, 환경, 그리고 정책을 중심으로 중국의 개방·개혁 모델로부터 북한의 수용 가능성을 평가하였다. 거시적 측면에서 북한의 개방·개혁은 ‘밑으로부터의 변혁’보다는 중국과 같은 ‘위로부터의 변혁’으로 나타날 가능성이 높다. 그러나 미시적 측면에서는 양국의 개방·개혁에 대한 인식, 개방·개혁의 여건 및 제도 등 방면에서 나타난 차이로 인해 북한은 중국식 모델을 그대로 수용하는데 한계가 있을 것이다. 따라서 북한은 중국식 모델과 자국의 국정을 결합시켜 북한식 발전 모델을 적극 모색해 가야 한다. 특히 북한은 기존의 대외 개방 중심 노선을 개혁과 개방이 병행하는 방향으로 나가야 한다.

North Korea began to enforce reform and opening policy since promulgated the law of Co-management. The policy carried out by North Korea government ranged fromthose limited opening policy to those reform and opening policy like 7.1 measurement of economic administration and establishment of Sin Yee-Zoo special administrative zone. Nevertheless, all these were beyond obtained because of the over-interference of the center government, being isolated from domestic economy, limitation of local autonomous, the lack of infrastructure and so on. Yet, China switched to the modernization from 1978 and established the "Theory of Socialist Market Economy" in 1992. This paper presented a comparative analysis on the policy of reform and opening of China and North Korea. Focusing on its concept, environment and policy, this paper also pointed out the possibility of acceptance of North Korea from China's reform and opening model. Taking a broad view of the North Korea's reform and opening, we can make a conclusion that the two nations' reform are very similar to each other for both taking an "up to down reform". However, microscopic analysis would be different. There would be big limitation for the North Korea to accept the China's model of reform and opening, for the two nations are very different each other from the concept, environment and institution of reform. So the combination of the China's model and its own nation's condition is the best way to enhance the reform and opening policy.

North Korea began to enforce reform and opening policy since promulgated the law of Co-management. The policy carried out by North Korea government ranged fromthose limited opening policy to those reform and opening policy like 7.1 measurement of economic administration and establishment of Sin Yee-Zoo special administrative zone. Nevertheless, all these were beyond obtained because of the over-interference of the center government, being isolated from domestic economy, limitation of local autonomous, the lack of infrastructure and so on. Yet, China switched to the modernization from 1978 and established the "Theory of Socialist Market Economy" in 1992. This paper presented a comparative analysis on the policy of reform and opening of China and North Korea. Focusing on its concept, environment and policy, this paper also pointed out the possibility of acceptance of North Korea from China's reform and opening model. Taking a broad view of the North Korea's reform and opening, we can make a conclusion that the two nations' reform are very similar to each other for both taking an "up to down reform". However, microscopic analysis would be different. There would be big limitation for the North Korea to accept the China's model of reform and opening, for the two nations are very different each other from the concept, environment and institution of reform. So the combination of the China's model and its own nation's condition is the best way to enhance the reform and opening policy.