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1894-1895년 청일전쟁은 일본이 조선에 대한 종주권을 확보하기 위해 전략적으로 일으킨 대륙침략전쟁이었다. 청일전쟁의 결과는 시모노세끼조약을 체결했음에도 불구하고, 일본이 러시아, 독일, 프랑스로부터 삼국간섭이라는 외교적 굴욕을 당하게 되었다. 청일전쟁 이후 일본의 삼국간섭국가들에 대한 군사외교적 대응조치는 첫째, 1905년 러일전쟁에서 승리한 후 포츠머스조약을 체결하고, 조선과 중국의 동북지역에 대한 지배권을 강화하였다. 둘째, 1914년 제1차 세계대전에서 일본이 대(對)독일전쟁에 연합군으로 참전하면서 독일이 차지하고 있던 중국지역에서의 지분을 그대로 계승하였다. 셋째, 1941년 일본은 제2차 세계대전기간 동안 동남아지역 가운데 프랑스령 인도차이나반도에서 프랑스 세력을 몰아내고, 이로써 삼국간섭 보복조치를 마무리하였다. 한편 일본의 청일전쟁 승리는 그동안 중국이 지배해 온 동아시아패권을 장악하게 된 계기로도 작용하였다. 청일전쟁 이후 중국과 조선, 동남아지역은 서구열강과 일본 제국주의로 인하여 식민지약탈의 각축장으로 전락하게 되었다. 반면에 제국주의 세력은 자국의 이해관계에 따라 동맹체제 결성과 충돌을 반복해 나갔다. 일본은 청일전쟁을 계기로 서구열강과의 국제관계를 불평등관계에서 평등관계로 전환시켰으며, 결국에는 아시아․태평양지역에서 동아시아패권을 놓고 미국과 전쟁을 벌이다가 패배하여 전범국이 되었다.

Japan strategically caused Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 to obtain suzerainty to Korea. As a result, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was concluded, Japan was compelled to have diplomatic indignity of the Triple Intervention from Russia, Germany and France. Since the Sino-Japanese War, military and diplomatic measures of Japan against the countries of the Triple Intervention are presented as follows: First, after Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, it concluded the Treaty of Portsmouth and reinforced its control over Korea and northeast part of China; in World War II of 1914, as Japan joined a war against Germany as an allied forces, it obtained the share Germany took in China; Japan expelled French forces from French Indochina during the 2nd World War as a revenge against the Triple Intervention. Meanwhile, the victory of Japan at the Sino-Japanese War worked as a chance to hold dominance over East Asia that has been controlled by China. Since the Sino-Japanese War, China, Korea, and East Asia became the arena of competition of plunder due to western forces and Japanese imperialism. However, imperial forces alternated organizations and collisions of allied forces according to their interests. Japan changed international relationships with western forces from unequal to equal using the Sino-Japanese War and finally, it had a war with the U.S.A. for suzerainty to East Asia, only to be the state responsible for war.

Japan strategically caused Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 to obtain suzerainty to Korea. As a result, the Treaty of Shimonoseki was concluded, Japan was compelled to have diplomatic indignity of the Triple Intervention from Russia, Germany and France. Since the Sino-Japanese War, military and diplomatic measures of Japan against the countries of the Triple Intervention are presented as follows: First, after Japan won the Russo-Japanese War, it concluded the Treaty of Portsmouth and reinforced its control over Korea and northeast part of China; in World War II of 1914, as Japan joined a war against Germany as an allied forces, it obtained the share Germany took in China; Japan expelled French forces from French Indochina during the 2nd World War as a revenge against the Triple Intervention. Meanwhile, the victory of Japan at the Sino-Japanese War worked as a chance to hold dominance over East Asia that has been controlled by China. Since the Sino-Japanese War, China, Korea, and East Asia became the arena of competition of plunder due to western forces and Japanese imperialism. However, imperial forces alternated organizations and collisions of allied forces according to their interests. Japan changed international relationships with western forces from unequal to equal using the Sino-Japanese War and finally, it had a war with the U.S.A. for suzerainty to East Asia, only to be the state responsible for war.