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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the state of infection control in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) including disinfection methods, disinfection cycles, and exchange cycles for medical devices and to suggest a basic framework which would help develop standardized infection control guidelines. Methods: From a list of NICU equipment developed from the NICUs in 4 tertiary hospitals, a structured questionnaire on 74 types of medical equipment was developed and sent to 31 hospitals by mail. The results were reviewed by panel of experts (56 persons),and analyzed for internal validity by a focus group (4 persons) using guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Korean Hospital Nurses Association. Results: The results showed various methods, cycles, disinfectant levels for the disinfectants and exchange cycles in the medical equipment infection control of the 31 hospitals. The focus group developed a 66-item basic framework based on validity testing. Conclusion: From the results of this study, a framework of infection control standards for 66 types of medical equipment in the NICU was developed. It is suggested that further study be done to more precisely establish standard infection control guidelines for NICU medical equipment.