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The transformation of agricultural cooperatives’ purpose to incorporate social service has been considered as an innovate means to satisfy the ever increasing social demand. However, this expansion into new areas means there is a need for a comprehensive performance evaluation tool to capture the whole extent of these services. Corresponding to the recent trend, we argue that cooperatives’ performance needs to include the economic, social and governance criteria. Using two surveys on the agriculture cooperatives of Ethiopia, we analyzed their performance from the three dimensions. Although, cooperatives in Ethiopia have been contributing to the commercialization of farmer’s products and improve income, they are highly confined to agriculture input supply. Their social and governance approaches found to be limited due to lack of adequate capacity to execute such services. Regional variability, which is attributed to the difference in the agro- economic and governances structure of the regions, also showed that the institutional sustainability of cooperatives becomes eluded, unless they are closely integrated to the agricultural input supply chain.