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본 연구는 교사들의 철회행동에 영향을 미치는 변수들로 첫째, 교육과 관련한 역할요인 즉 역할과다 및 역할갈등, 그리고 역할자율성, 둘째, 공정성요인으로 교육기관으로부터 받는 분배 및 절차공정성, 셋째, 교육환경에 있어서의 사회적 지원요인으로 상사 및 동료의 지원요인 등을 들고, 이러한 요인들이 철회행동 유발에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는가를 살펴보았다. 회귀분석 결과 철회행동은 개인이 해야 할 역할이 과다할수록, 자신의 역할을 수행하는 과정에서 갈등상황에 노출되어 있을수록, 그리고 역할수행에 자율성이 낮을수록 그 빈도가 증가하며, 또 분배 및 절차에 대한 공정성 지각이 낮을수록, 그리고 상사나 동료의 사회적 지원을 적게 받을수록 역시 증가되는 것으로 나타났다. 또 개인특성변수 가운데 하나인 자기효능감을 선정하여 자기효능감이 교사들의 철회행동 영향요인과 철회행동 간 관계를 조절하여주는지 검증한 결과, 역할과다와 철회행동, 그리고 상사의 지원과 철회행동 간 관계에서 그 조절효과가 확인되었다. 이를 통하여 개인이 보유하고 있는 자기효능감의 상대적 크기에 따라서 철회행동의 원인에 따른 결과가 영향을 받을 수 있음을 일부나마 확인할 수 있었다.

This study examined the relationships between the teacher's withdrawal behavior factors and those outcomes, and specially investigated the moderating roles of self-efficacy in those relationships. The data was collected from 173 teachers in study and training during summer vacation at Jeonju university. This study measured the moderating effect of self-efficacy using the hierarchical regression approach. The result of this study are as follows. First, regression analysis showed that all factors of withdrawal behavior strongly related to those outcomes. The frequency of teacher's withdrawal behavior increased when he executed overladen work, conflicted work, and heteronomous work. Teacher's withdrawal behavior also increased when he thought that distributional and procedural justice were not fair, and when he received less social supports than others. Second, the self-efficacy moderated the relationship between the role overload and withdrawal behavior. And the self-efficacy also moderated the relationship between supervisor's support and withdrawal behavior, but it didn't moderate all the relation of cause and effect. These results suggests that self-efficacy has some moderating effects on withdrawal behavior process.

This study examined the relationships between the teacher's withdrawal behavior factors and those outcomes, and specially investigated the moderating roles of self-efficacy in those relationships. The data was collected from 173 teachers in study and training during summer vacation at Jeonju university. This study measured the moderating effect of self-efficacy using the hierarchical regression approach. The result of this study are as follows. First, regression analysis showed that all factors of withdrawal behavior strongly related to those outcomes. The frequency of teacher's withdrawal behavior increased when he executed overladen work, conflicted work, and heteronomous work. Teacher's withdrawal behavior also increased when he thought that distributional and procedural justice were not fair, and when he received less social supports than others. Second, the self-efficacy moderated the relationship between the role overload and withdrawal behavior. And the self-efficacy also moderated the relationship between supervisor's support and withdrawal behavior, but it didn't moderate all the relation of cause and effect. These results suggests that self-efficacy has some moderating effects on withdrawal behavior process.