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본 논문은 모든 전공분야에 적용될 수 있는 사회직업윤리교육을 윤리경영이론에서 특히 직장조직의 경영윤리를 기반으로 정립하여 실제로 교육내용구성을 해보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 논문은 우리나라의 사회윤리와 직업윤리 및 경영윤리에 관한 저서들을 망라한 문헌적 시사적 연구로서, 논저들을 통합적으로 분석하여 가장 적절하고 필요한 내용으로 사회직업윤리의 교과내용을 합리적 개척적으로 구성해보려는 시도이다. 특히 사회수요의 충족역할을 하는 직업의 본분에서 윤리적인 재화와 용역의 공급 관리를 강조하며, 교과내용을 거시적인 일반론과 실천적인 관리론으로 체계적으로 구성하여 제시한다.

The purpose of this thesis is to suggest how to constitute social job ethics curriculum and introduce recent academic achievements so they could be applied to job ethics education in Korea. This paper explores the effective curriculum of social job ethics based on organization management ethics in work field. We should develop well-prepared social job ethics education programs. However, existing job ethics texts in Korea cannot meet the current demands of job world. Practical ethics education is crucial for ethical decision-making and awareness for every kind of workers. Teaching contents should closely reflect current industry practices and environments. The ways to strengthen social job ethics education include establishment and administration of social job ethics curriculum, cooperation from universities, enthusiastic use of various practical educational materials and techniques, and improvement and publication of educational texts for job ethics especially. Here is a suggestion for an improved curriculum contents. It emphasizes teaching social job ethics through common management ethics theories in every kinds of work field. The whole curriculum is constituted with two parts - the general theory and the management theory. The general theory explains social job ethics on macro society view-points and the management theory explains job ethics on business work points - personnel, finance, service, production, marketing, and information management including accounting.