초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The local civil servants's competency is one of the best important factors in local government productivity. Local civil servants should acqure new competency and develop their competency to respond to the changes of administrative environment, characterized by globalization, decentralization, knowledge information. The purpose of this study is to provide the improvement of the training and education for civil servants in local government. The chapter 2 includes backgrounds about the training and education(concept, system, types of training). The chapter 3 suggests policy alternatives for the training and education(self-recognition and motivation for training, differentational approach to targets, job redesign, mentoring, understudy assignment, civil comission, regional innovation programms, cyber education, supporting of training fee, action learning, assignment of compulsory educational time, voucher of training, transfer system, multi evaluation and so on).

The local civil servants's competency is one of the best important factors in local government productivity. Local civil servants should acqure new competency and develop their competency to respond to the changes of administrative environment, characterized by globalization, decentralization, knowledge information. The purpose of this study is to provide the improvement of the training and education for civil servants in local government. The chapter 2 includes backgrounds about the training and education(concept, system, types of training). The chapter 3 suggests policy alternatives for the training and education(self-recognition and motivation for training, differentational approach to targets, job redesign, mentoring, understudy assignment, civil comission, regional innovation programms, cyber education, supporting of training fee, action learning, assignment of compulsory educational time, voucher of training, transfer system, multi evaluation and so on).