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The purpose of this study was to examine the differences of governmental countermeasures depending on the acknowledgement of policy dilemma conditions under the policy dilemma situations. It especially compared the countermeasures of Rho Moo Hyun government with those of Lee Myung Park ' s toward non-regular employment laws. The results were shown that two governments had differential countermeasures when making or amending non-regular employment laws. Rho's government discussed non-regular employment issues in his early official years and succeeded to make them the laws under President Rho's governmental management philosophy and with his powerful leadership. On the other hand, Lee's government has failed to amend them. In the process of amendment, it has finally realized the dilemma of non-regular employment laws. The policies, however, have shown inconsistencies. The major findings of the study based on the results were as follows: First, the governmental policy dilemmas could be led by a governmental management philosophy or social environments. Second, a governmental management philosophy could change roles of labor- management-government. Third, the governmental policy dilemmas could be caused by interest-related groups' effects. Last, the longer we discussed non-regular employment laws, the more the dilemma was reinforced.