초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Korean recruit system of public service has two employment routes, which are the competitive entrance system and the non-competitive entrance system. Korean government has promoted the non-competitive entrance system in order to complement professionalism and openness of bureaucratic organization. The orientation of this study is to upgrade the quality of Korea public administration in order to strengthen Korean government's professionalism and openness. Therefore, the main purpose of this research aims to analyze how professionalism and openness of bureaucratic organization affect the organizational performance. According to the research, the stronger the openness is, the higher organizational citizenship and organizational commitment is. Also, it is revealed that high availability of professionalism leads to the organizational citizenship, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This recruit system has a positive effect on the achievement of organization. It is predicted that the non-competitive entrance system contributes to Korean government when well talented applicants in private sector are employed. If the opened employment structure of government is enlarged, the non-competitive entrance system can affect organizational performance positively.