초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article studies the change of the function and role of government and various actors based on historical institutionalism and actor-centered institutionalism in the new institutionalism. In contrast to the historical institutionalism, the actor-centered institutionalism focuses the change of institutions by the actors like government, enterprises, and the civil organizations, in order to adjust to changing circumstances in the era of Globalization. This article focused on the two theories shows that in Germany the various actors including social enterprise endeavor adapt to the changing circumstances in society, while the government transfers it’s role from the steering to the regulation of the society. But the Korean government remains in the role of steering while the actors in the Korean society still depend on the government. Therefore the development of the Korean social enterprise delays, although the government and actors make an effort. In this article, the authors try to make a proposal that the government must transfer it’s role from the steering to the regulation in order to promote social enterprise.