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이 글에서는 원삼국시대 진·변한지역 諸정치체들의 관계를 어떻게 바라보고 설명할 것인가 하는 다소 구체적인 질문에 답하고자 하였으며, 당대 사회를 적절하게 설명해줄만한 해석의 틀을 시험적으로 적용하여 고고자료를 분석하였다. 영남지방 출토 궐수형철기는 2~3세기에 집중적으로 유행한다. 또한 주요 목곽묘군 내에 서도 수장급묘에 집중 부장되고 일괄유물의 검토에 있어서도 그 우수성이 인정되는 점으로 보아, 본고에서는 궐수형철기를 각 지역 정치체 엘리트 간에 있었던 대외과시 및 경쟁의 산물로 추정하였다. 궐수형철기는 그 형태의 변화에 따라 Ⅰ기~Ⅲ기로 나눌 수 있으며, Ⅰ기~Ⅱ기에는 각 지역 출토품들 상호간에 공통성이 강하고 Ⅲ기에는 경주지역과 김해지역을 중심으로 지역성이 두드러지기 시작한다. 이러한 패턴을 통해 각 시기별로 궐수형철기가 제작·매납된 의미를 각 지역정치체의 대외적 관점에서 추론하였다. Ⅰ기~Ⅱ기는 諸소국들이 비교적 대등한 위상을 유지, 상호작용하면서 내적 복합성이 증가된 시기이며 Ⅲ기부터 궐수형철기를 비롯해 고고자료 전반에서 변화를 겪게 되는데 이는 당시 각 지역 수장들이 겪었던 對내·외적 위상의 변화와 관련된 것으로 파악하였다.

This study intends to answer a specific question; how can we explain the relationship of small polities of Jin·Byeon Han(辰·弁韓) in proto three– kingdom period properly. Based on the framework of this study, peer polity interaction(PPI) model which have been thought as brand new concept model in explaining social– political relation between regional polities in a certain geographical area, archeological materials in question have been treated properly. Due to the fact that bracken– shaped motif is adopted exclusively in most of ironware unearthed from Jin·Byeon Han region, this study has focused on Bracken– shaped ironware as the examining subject. More specifically, the exclusive distribution of bracken– shaped could imply that small polities of Jin·Byeon Han shared common customs of tradition. Moreover, that distribution also might be considered as the results of interactions such as warfare, trade, competition between polities. It seems like that the motif of bracken– shaped had been the traditional symbol which shows the superiority of elites of small polities. The distribution of bracken– shaped motif implies that internal complexity of organization in small polities had increased, and in proto three– kingdom period, the small polities had interacted each other based on the peer relation. Competitive emulation and Symbolic entrainment were being happened between polities might be seen in particular aspects of burial for ironware with bracken– shaped. These aspects of wooden– chamber tomb phase suggest the peer political interaction between regional polities in Jin·Byeon Han. Thus, the established explanations that have mentioned the superior culture had flew from the set innovative centre to the vicinities need more discussion.

This study intends to answer a specific question; how can we explain the relationship of small polities of Jin·Byeon Han(辰·弁韓) in proto three– kingdom period properly. Based on the framework of this study, peer polity interaction(PPI) model which have been thought as brand new concept model in explaining social– political relation between regional polities in a certain geographical area, archeological materials in question have been treated properly. Due to the fact that bracken– shaped motif is adopted exclusively in most of ironware unearthed from Jin·Byeon Han region, this study has focused on Bracken– shaped ironware as the examining subject. More specifically, the exclusive distribution of bracken– shaped could imply that small polities of Jin·Byeon Han shared common customs of tradition. Moreover, that distribution also might be considered as the results of interactions such as warfare, trade, competition between polities. It seems like that the motif of bracken– shaped had been the traditional symbol which shows the superiority of elites of small polities. The distribution of bracken– shaped motif implies that internal complexity of organization in small polities had increased, and in proto three– kingdom period, the small polities had interacted each other based on the peer relation. Competitive emulation and Symbolic entrainment were being happened between polities might be seen in particular aspects of burial for ironware with bracken– shaped. These aspects of wooden– chamber tomb phase suggest the peer political interaction between regional polities in Jin·Byeon Han. Thus, the established explanations that have mentioned the superior culture had flew from the set innovative centre to the vicinities need more discussion.