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정장리유적의 석기제작기술은 현생인류가 자신들의 유전적 반응을 구현하기 위해 복합적인 기술적 시도가 이루어진 인지체계의 산물로 볼 수 있다. 그들이 속한 환경, 즉 기후, 식생대와 같은 거시환경과 점거한 지점의 여건, 석재환경 등과 같은 미시환경에 의해 석기제작체계와 인지개념이 복합적으로 나타나거나 통제되었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 인지체계 속에 기획되어 있는 다양한 기술적 경험들을 구현하는 데에는 미시환경에 의한 제한이 컸다. 이것은 마치 유전체의 촉수가 반응하기는 하지만 그 반응에 대한 총체적 인자들의 대응이 제한을 받았던 것과 유사하다. 정장리 현생인류는 그들의 인지체계 속에 축적된 행동 패턴을 표출하기 위해 석기들을 제작하였다. 그것은 기존의 격지석기를 제작하기 위한 다양한 기술체계와 더불어 돌날석기문화와 연계되어 나타난다. 후기구석기 시대의 지표가 되는 석기군들은 제한된 범주에서만 나타나지 않고 몸돌, 돌날, 돌날격지, 몸돌석기, 격지석기, 돌날석기 등 전반적인 석기제작체계에서 등장하고 있다. 이러한 양상들은 정장리유적의 현생인류가 후기구석기시대 석기제작과정에 대한 풍부한 이해와 경험들을 이미 축적하고 있었던 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이것은 환경에 적응하는 과정에서 나타난 복합적인 기술인지가 마치 유전자가 적응을 위해 유전체들을 반응시키듯 그들의 적응력을 기술체계에 적용함으로써 반응하였던 것으로 판단된다.

The technique of making tools in the Jeongjangri Site is to be analyzed by the technical feature of tools to be examined now. Therefore, we could know that, at that time, the Paleolithic people made many efforts to realize this genetic reaction of their own but they are controlled by the situation, that is,a macro-environment and a micro-environment. A block of stone became the most positive control method. There was an environmental limitation in order to realize various technical experiences to be planned within a cognitive system. It seemed like that the tentacles of organisms reacted but the correspondence of the whole factors was restricted. The environment of stone materials to be suitable to apply the existed traditional technique handled the realization of new information and knowledge. The season and the restrictive livelihood natural resource when Jeongjangri Paleolithic people lived in the same site made the environment of tool making recognition limited. This means that the site is just an unit to record a limited time and space and can’t be an absolute index to explain a macro culture. Nevertheless, the Jeongjangri Paleolithic people made necessary tools to their behavior patterns to be related with the accumulated experience in their cognitive system. The cluster of tools to be an index of the Upper Paleolithic does not appear only in the restrictive category to be formed in the process of making stone tools, but appear in every field like blade core, blades, and blade tools even though the number of the tools is not many. A series of aspect to be seen in the process of making tools shows that the Paleolithic people had already learned various experiences and techniques to the method of making tools, and, moreover, the complex recognition of stone tool making technique made their techniques reacted as a gene makes organisms reacted for an adaptation. The results of these complex cognitive systems seem like to be mixed by very complicated technique system, but actually have some technical branches. It is the result to react genetically. These technical branches are to appear in a multiple type with being interlocked with each other like a flexible organism. In other words, It is conversed to a making method for large-sized tools, a set of ways for making layer tools, an enough understanding of the making method for stone blades, a making stone tools for a reproduction, and a technique for making a representative tool (the advent of the composite tool to be understood by tanged point.