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본고에서는 1467년경 관요가 설치된 이후부터 1560년대까지 관요 백자에 표기되는‘天·地·玄·黃’銘의 성격에 대해서 살펴보았다. 먼저, ‘天·地·玄·黃’銘의 성격을 검토하기 위한 두 가지 전제 조건(①‘天·地·玄·黃’銘과‘左·右’銘의 관계, ②‘天·地·玄·黃’銘의 사용 단계)을 제시하고, 이를 해결해 나가면서 명문의 의미를 추론하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 사항을 확인할 수 있었다. 첫째, 1560년대‘天·地·玄·黃’銘이 소멸되고‘左·右’銘이 표기되는 것에 주목하여 두 명문의 체계에 대해 비교 분석한 결과 이들은 서로 다른 성격의 명문임이 밝혀졌다. 즉, 전자는 백자의 수납·출납 단계에서, 후자는 백자의 제작 단계에서 활용된 구분 기호일 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단된다. 둘째, 유면음각과點刻으로새겨진‘天·地·玄·黃’銘을분석하여명문의사용단계를검토한결과,‘ 天·地·玄·黃’銘은 백자의 수납·출납 단계에서 사용되었던 명문으로 추정되었다. 이는‘天·地·玄·黃’銘과‘左·右’銘의 명문 체계를 분석한 결과와 일치한다. 이러한 전제 조건에 대한 검토 결과를 바탕으로 하고, 관요가 설치되기 이전 貢納磁器에 새겨지는 명문의 성격을 분석하여‘天·地·玄·黃’銘이 司饔院의 倉庫名을 의미할 가능성이 높다는 결론을 도출하였다. 즉, 司饔院은 천자문 자호라는 간단한 명문을 통해 백자의 제작·수납·출납을 일원적으로 관리하였던 것으로 생각된다.

This thesis has examined the characteristics of the Cheon(天)·Ji(地)·Hyeon(玄)·Hwang(黃) inscriptions on the white porcelain which was produced in the royal kiln from the time of construction of the royal kilns till the 1560s, which set forth two preconditions by using different methods from existing research to infer the function of the inscriptions through the process of answering these preconditions. First, this thesis is about the system of inscriptions focused on the fact that the 天·地·玄·黃 inscriptions were disappeared around 1560s and Left(左)·Right(右) inscriptions began to be used instead. I assure that the 天·地·玄·黃and 左·右were different inscriptions from each other. Second, this thesis also examines at which stage were the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions used in the process of the production, inventory, receipt of delivery and distribution of the white porcelain. Through the comparative analysis the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions and dot carved 天·地·玄·黃 inscriptions, it has been proven that the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions were used in the processes of receipt of delivery and distribution of the white porcelain. With the result of the examination of the preconditions and analysis of the inscriptions on the white porcelain which were tributed to the royal court before the construction of the royal kilns, the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions were also marked to indicate specific storage place of the white porcelain. At Saongwon, they used these simple 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions through the entire process from production, inventory, receipt of delivery to distribution of the white porcelain to unify all of the various steps in the process.

This thesis has examined the characteristics of the Cheon(天)·Ji(地)·Hyeon(玄)·Hwang(黃) inscriptions on the white porcelain which was produced in the royal kiln from the time of construction of the royal kilns till the 1560s, which set forth two preconditions by using different methods from existing research to infer the function of the inscriptions through the process of answering these preconditions. First, this thesis is about the system of inscriptions focused on the fact that the 天·地·玄·黃 inscriptions were disappeared around 1560s and Left(左)·Right(右) inscriptions began to be used instead. I assure that the 天·地·玄·黃and 左·右were different inscriptions from each other. Second, this thesis also examines at which stage were the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions used in the process of the production, inventory, receipt of delivery and distribution of the white porcelain. Through the comparative analysis the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions and dot carved 天·地·玄·黃 inscriptions, it has been proven that the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions were used in the processes of receipt of delivery and distribution of the white porcelain. With the result of the examination of the preconditions and analysis of the inscriptions on the white porcelain which were tributed to the royal court before the construction of the royal kilns, the 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions were also marked to indicate specific storage place of the white porcelain. At Saongwon, they used these simple 天·地·玄·黃inscriptions through the entire process from production, inventory, receipt of delivery to distribution of the white porcelain to unify all of the various steps in the process.