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본 연구는 동화사 사찰관광자원의 선택동기 및 이용실태에 관한 실증분석으로서 문헌연구 및 선행연구를 통하여 사찰관광에 대한 이론적 개념을 고찰하고, 동화사 사찰관광자원의 선택동기와 유인성이 무엇인지를 실증적으로 규명해보는데 있다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성별 및 연령별 조사에서는 남성보다 여성이 많았으며, 연령별 이용빈도는 40대, 30대, 50대 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 학력 및 혼인여부에서는 고졸이하의 성인이 사찰관광자원을 가장 많이 찾는 것으로 분석되었으며, 기혼자가 월등히 많았다. 셋째, 직업 및 거주지 분포에서는 주부/사무직/전문직/자영업/서비스직/기술직 순으로 조사되었고, 동화사 사찰관광객은 대구/경북권이 75%정도로 타 지역에 비해 압도적으로 많이 나타났다. 그 다음으로 수도권이 많았다. 넷째, 종교별 분포에서는 대부분이 불교를 믿고 있었으며, 동화사 방문경험 조사에서 한 번 이상 방문한 경험이 있다는 응답이 대부분인데, 상대적으로 연간 5회 이상이 가장 많았다. 다섯째, 동화사 사찰관광자원 선택동기는 가족건강 기도를 위하여와 마음수양을 위한 심신수련을 목적으로 방문을 하고 있다는 응답 순으로 나타났다. 마지막으로, 동화사 사찰관광 시 우선선호도 조사에서는 대웅전을 가장 먼저 선택하였으며, 그 다음으로 통일약사대불을 선택하는 것으로 조사되었다.

This is a positive analysis of status of using tourist resources in Donghwa temple. The theoretical concept of temple tourism and religious tourism have been reviewed through literary and preceding studies. Also examined was the attributes of Donghwa temple's tourist resources and the attraction of Donghwa temple positively, and the effect of the temple's cultural assets on the tourists of the temple. It seems to be limited to generalize the findings of this study, since this study is a pioneering study about temple's tourist resources. followings are the results of the study. First, as for sexuality and age, more men visited Donghwa temple than women, and most frequent visitors were people in their 40s, then 30s and 50s in order. Secondly, as for academic background and marriage, less than high school graduates visited most frequently, then junior college graduates, college graduates and graduate school graduates in order. married people were more than unmarried. Thirdly, as for vocation and residence, most frequent visitors' vocation was housekeeper, than clerk, professional, self-employer, service, technician and others in order. In residential distribution, Daegu and Gyeongbuk area was 75%, overwhelming majority compared to other areas and seriously biased to specific region, suggesting people in Daegu and Gyeongbuk visited Donghwa temple most frequently. Fourthly, as for religious distribution, most of them were Buddhist, then no religion, Christian, Catholic and Confucian. Fifthly, survey of Donghwa temple visiting experience showed that most people answered more than once, and survey of annual visiting times of Donghwa temple showed that most people answered visiting more than 5 times, then 1-2 times, 3-4 times and less than once in order, suggesting temple revisit is related mostly with Buddhists. Sixthly, as for the motive of Donghwa temple visiting, most frequent answer was for praying for family members' health, then for mind and body training. Lastly, as for the priority of tourists' visit, most people first visit Daeungjeon, then Tongilyaksadaebul.

This is a positive analysis of status of using tourist resources in Donghwa temple. The theoretical concept of temple tourism and religious tourism have been reviewed through literary and preceding studies. Also examined was the attributes of Donghwa temple's tourist resources and the attraction of Donghwa temple positively, and the effect of the temple's cultural assets on the tourists of the temple. It seems to be limited to generalize the findings of this study, since this study is a pioneering study about temple's tourist resources. followings are the results of the study. First, as for sexuality and age, more men visited Donghwa temple than women, and most frequent visitors were people in their 40s, then 30s and 50s in order. Secondly, as for academic background and marriage, less than high school graduates visited most frequently, then junior college graduates, college graduates and graduate school graduates in order. married people were more than unmarried. Thirdly, as for vocation and residence, most frequent visitors' vocation was housekeeper, than clerk, professional, self-employer, service, technician and others in order. In residential distribution, Daegu and Gyeongbuk area was 75%, overwhelming majority compared to other areas and seriously biased to specific region, suggesting people in Daegu and Gyeongbuk visited Donghwa temple most frequently. Fourthly, as for religious distribution, most of them were Buddhist, then no religion, Christian, Catholic and Confucian. Fifthly, survey of Donghwa temple visiting experience showed that most people answered more than once, and survey of annual visiting times of Donghwa temple showed that most people answered visiting more than 5 times, then 1-2 times, 3-4 times and less than once in order, suggesting temple revisit is related mostly with Buddhists. Sixthly, as for the motive of Donghwa temple visiting, most frequent answer was for praying for family members' health, then for mind and body training. Lastly, as for the priority of tourists' visit, most people first visit Daeungjeon, then Tongilyaksadaebul.