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본 연구는 다운증후군 자녀를 둔 부모들을 대상으로 첫째, 안면성형수술을 한 적이 있는 자녀들은 얼마나 되며 수술의 결과 및 만족도는 어떠한지 조사해 보고자 하였으며, 둘째, 자녀가 안면성형수술을 한 적이 없는 부모들의 경우 안면성형수술에 대해 어떠한 견해를 가지고 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 즉, 안면성형수술에 대해 알고 있는지의 여부, 자녀의 안면성형수술에 대한 의향이 있는지, 혹은 그렇지 않는 지의 여부 및 그 이유는 각각 무엇인지를 조사해 보고자 하였다. 결과를 보면, 본 연구에 참여한 부모 106명의 자녀들 중 8.5%는 안면성형수술을 한 적이 있으며, 수술을 한 적이 없는 부모들 가운데서도 49.5%는 수술을 고려하고 있거나 기회가 되면 할 의향이 있다고 응답함으로서, 전체 부모 중 58%는 안면성형수술을 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 안면성형수술을 고려하는 이유로서는, 기능향상의 측면 즉 시력향상이나, 발음, 호흡 혹은 음식물 섭취 등에 도움이 되도록 하기위해서를 가장 많이 지지하였다. 하지만 다운인이 나타내는 외모적인 특징의 경감을 원하는 것과 관련된 이유들, 즉 수술을 하면 남들에게 더 받아들여질 것이기 때문에나, 얼굴을 통해 다운인이라는 것이 드러나는 것을 피하기 위해서 등도 상당수의 부모들이 수술을 고려하는 이유로 나타났다. 아울러 안면성형수술에 대한 의향이 없는 부모들이 가장 많이 제시한 이유로는, 자녀를 있는 그대로 받아들이고 싶어서와 수술 시 자녀가 겪을 고통이나 불편이 염려되므로 등이었다.

Facial plastic surgery has been known as an intervention to improve the physical functioning, appearances, and social acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome. The purpose in this study was twofold. First one was to investigate the actual state of this practice and it's results. Second purpose was to examine the opinions of parents of children with Down syndrome about this practice. One hundred six parents responded with usable surveys. The results were as follows. First, 9 parents(8.5%) indicated that their child had undergone the surgery, and about half of them was satisfied with the result of the surgery. When asked whether the 97 parents, whose child had not undergone the surgery, intended or considered to pursue facial plastic surgery for their child, 48 parents(49.5%) said yes and 49 parents(50.5%) said no. Major reasons given by the parents who indicated a willingness to have or to consider having surgery for their child were 'for improved speech, breathing, or eating,' 'to help their child live a better life,' and 'for facilitated social acceptance of their child'. The reasons given by the parents who would not support the surgery were 'acceptance of their child as he or she is,' 'worries about child's discomfort or pain from the surgery,' and 'desire not to subject child to unrealistic expectations'. Discussions about the reasons given by the parents who would or would not consider the surgery were provided, too.

Facial plastic surgery has been known as an intervention to improve the physical functioning, appearances, and social acceptance of individuals with Down syndrome. The purpose in this study was twofold. First one was to investigate the actual state of this practice and it's results. Second purpose was to examine the opinions of parents of children with Down syndrome about this practice. One hundred six parents responded with usable surveys. The results were as follows. First, 9 parents(8.5%) indicated that their child had undergone the surgery, and about half of them was satisfied with the result of the surgery. When asked whether the 97 parents, whose child had not undergone the surgery, intended or considered to pursue facial plastic surgery for their child, 48 parents(49.5%) said yes and 49 parents(50.5%) said no. Major reasons given by the parents who indicated a willingness to have or to consider having surgery for their child were 'for improved speech, breathing, or eating,' 'to help their child live a better life,' and 'for facilitated social acceptance of their child'. The reasons given by the parents who would not support the surgery were 'acceptance of their child as he or she is,' 'worries about child's discomfort or pain from the surgery,' and 'desire not to subject child to unrealistic expectations'. Discussions about the reasons given by the parents who would or would not consider the surgery were provided, too.