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이 연구에서는 특수교육 교원양성 관련 법령과 선행연구들을 분석하여 특수교육 교사의 자격기준 및 양성과정에 관한 특수교육 전문가와 교사의 요구를 파악하였다. 그리고 그것을 토대로 특수교육 교사의 자격(검정) 기준 개선 과제와 양성과정의 기본 이수과목 및 학점(안)을 제안하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다.첫째, 특수교육을 담당하는 교사의 명칭은 ‘특수교육 교사’로 하고, 특수학교 교원의 자격종별에 ‘치료교육 정교사(1, 2급)’를 삭제해야 한다.둘째, 특수학교 준교사 자격기준의 ‘특수학교 실기교사로서 5년 이상의 교육경력을 가지고 소정의 재교육을 받은 자’의 조항을 삭제해야 한다. 셋째, 교원양성기관 평가인정제를 조속히 도입하여 교육대학원 특수교육 교원양성기관의 질을 제고하고, 특수교육대학원에는 학부에서 양성이 어려운 전공영역의 특수교육 교사를 양성할 수 있도록 운영규정을 마련하여야 한다.넷째, 특수교육 교사 양성과정의 기본이수과목을 일부 과목은 과목명을 변경하고, 2과목을 추가하여 13과목으로 확대해야 한다. 다섯째, 특수교육 교사 양성과정의 학점은 4년제 대학의 경우 현행 140점에서 160학점으로 확대하고, 교육대학원의 경우 교사자격 소지자 양성과정에서는 특수교육 전공과목을 31학점 이상, 교사자격 미소지자 양성과정에서는 81학점 이상 이수하도록 확대해야 한다.

The purpose of this study is to understand the needs of special education experts and teachers regarding the certification criteria and training procedures of special education teachers by analyzing the laws on training special education teachers and related studies. Based on these analyses, this study suggested the reformed criteria of special education teacher certification and the required curriculum and number of credits. First, the name for teachers in charge of special education should be 'special education teacher', and the 'therapeutic education teacher' should be abolished from the certification criteria. Second, the clause, 'the practical education teacher in special education school who received the required reeducation with the 5-year or more field experiences', should be abolished. Third, the quality of graduate school of special education should be enhanced by implementing the accreditation processes, and the necessary clauses should be introduced to train special education teachers in the professionalized areas in the graduate schools of special education. Fourth, the curriculum for training special education should be changed, including 13 courses. Fifth, the required number of credits for the certification of special education teacher should be increased from 140 to 160 for the 4-year college. The number of major credits in the graduate school of education should be at least 31 for those with the national teacher license, and 81 for those without the license.

The purpose of this study is to understand the needs of special education experts and teachers regarding the certification criteria and training procedures of special education teachers by analyzing the laws on training special education teachers and related studies. Based on these analyses, this study suggested the reformed criteria of special education teacher certification and the required curriculum and number of credits. First, the name for teachers in charge of special education should be 'special education teacher', and the 'therapeutic education teacher' should be abolished from the certification criteria. Second, the clause, 'the practical education teacher in special education school who received the required reeducation with the 5-year or more field experiences', should be abolished. Third, the quality of graduate school of special education should be enhanced by implementing the accreditation processes, and the necessary clauses should be introduced to train special education teachers in the professionalized areas in the graduate schools of special education. Fourth, the curriculum for training special education should be changed, including 13 courses. Fifth, the required number of credits for the certification of special education teacher should be increased from 140 to 160 for the 4-year college. The number of major credits in the graduate school of education should be at least 31 for those with the national teacher license, and 81 for those without the license.