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본 연구는 학습장애의 정의와 진단적 평가 기준의 법적 규정을 위한 대안을 탐색하였다. 학습장애의 개념을 규정하고 진단평가의 준거를 설정하며, 합리적이고 타당성 있는 판별 절차를 확보하기 위해서는 이 장애가 지닌 속성을 학습의 측면에서 규정짓고, 장애의 결정이 사회적 구인의 문제임을 인식하며 합의과정을 모색하는 것이 바람직하다는 입장이다. 논의 과정에서 새로운 정보를 제시하기보다 한국학습장애학회에서 주최한 심포지엄의 결과를 종합하여 학회 차원에서 합의된 결과를 도출할 수 있는 계기를 마련하는 데 중점을 두었다. 본 논문에서는 사회적 배경 요인, 특수교육 관련 법령 개정을 위한 기초 연구 방향, 학습장애의 법적 개념 및 진단 평가 방법과 판별의 실제를 검토하고 이를 근거로 학습장애의 정의와 진단 기준 및 방법을 제안하였다.

The key to this discussion lies in the fact that the learning disability is influenced the most by the social factor which is agreed and determined by specific members of specific local culture. We must bear in mind that the arguments which were made to clarify the identify of learning disability are not the matter of right or wrong. Rather, it is a matter of choice. The concept and identification of learning disability needs the process of validation through various basic research and related studies. Specifically, tardiness in learning or low achievement must be studied and reviewed in-depth in the process. However, constraints on ultimate problem make it hard to go beyond the consensus or choice. In particular, the learning disability must be considered as a particular form of learning demand and those with learning disability must be defined carefully, in consideration that the concept and model of disability has been highlighted, shifting away from the medical standpoint, and the disability is defined as 'sameness and difference', not the defect or sheer difference, and the person with disability is accepted and embraced as a member of community. Obviously, the law lays out a common denominator to provide the basis for the guarantee of minimum right. Therefore, the education in reality must focus on maximizing the potential of individual and help them adjust to future society in a way that goes beyond the realm of law. Finally, a measure must be explored that the community can agree upon in the constant process of consensus and choice because the identity and identification criteria of learning disability are determined, depending on our ability to provide educational service.

The key to this discussion lies in the fact that the learning disability is influenced the most by the social factor which is agreed and determined by specific members of specific local culture. We must bear in mind that the arguments which were made to clarify the identify of learning disability are not the matter of right or wrong. Rather, it is a matter of choice. The concept and identification of learning disability needs the process of validation through various basic research and related studies. Specifically, tardiness in learning or low achievement must be studied and reviewed in-depth in the process. However, constraints on ultimate problem make it hard to go beyond the consensus or choice. In particular, the learning disability must be considered as a particular form of learning demand and those with learning disability must be defined carefully, in consideration that the concept and model of disability has been highlighted, shifting away from the medical standpoint, and the disability is defined as 'sameness and difference', not the defect or sheer difference, and the person with disability is accepted and embraced as a member of community. Obviously, the law lays out a common denominator to provide the basis for the guarantee of minimum right. Therefore, the education in reality must focus on maximizing the potential of individual and help them adjust to future society in a way that goes beyond the realm of law. Finally, a measure must be explored that the community can agree upon in the constant process of consensus and choice because the identity and identification criteria of learning disability are determined, depending on our ability to provide educational service.