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In this study, evaluated removal efficiency of indoor air pollutants such as PM10 (particulate matter), TBC (total bacteria colony), HCHO (formaldehyde), TVOC (total volatile organic compound) by using air cleaner in small-sized crowd facilities. As the results, the removal efficiency of PM10 and TBC were shown as 58% and 70%. And also HCHO and TVOC were shown as 60%, 70%. The statistic result of correlation analysis between incipient PM10 concentration (no-air cleaner) and after 3 days (apllied air cleaner) PM10 concentrations were significantly shown as correlated. And the result of correlation analysis between incipient TBC, HCHO, TVOC concentrations (no-air cleaner) and after 3 days TBC, HCHO, TVOC concentrations (appllied air cleaner) were significant shown as correlated. In these results, we suggest that air cleaners applied on small-sized crowd facilities can help to reduce of indoor air pollutants as effectively

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Air Cleaner, PM10, TBC, HCHO, TVOC, Small Size Facillities